Setup a kubernetes multi-node cluster from scratch and run a simple app on it. Kubernetes is a Linux based open source platform that automates or manages applications in containers. With Kubernetes, you can efficiently respond to the requests by consumers by using Kubernetes nodes. Kubernetes is in a thriving ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools […]
Month: January 2022
A Glance At The Toxic Work Culture in China China, we say that no economy of any country can ever hope to survive without the efforts of its employees and labor staff. The very essence is vital for life to function properly within its borders. In layman’s terms: no employees/laborers equal to no solid economic […]
Crazy Rich Asians IRL When thinking of the extravagant lives of the rich of China China, many things come to my mind. Communism low-wage sweatshops, to name a few things. But what many people don’t notice is that China is one of the biggest economies of the modern world. Businesses and companies worldwide use materials […]
Outlawed Foot Binding Practice in China: The Subjectivity of Beauty Before we get into the Outlawed foot binding practice in China (you may also have seen it as feet binding), I would like to explore the concept of beauty– an entirely subjective idea. As former colonies of Europe and European powers, one might describe beauty […]
Finding The Perfect Spouse in China: An Introduction Finding The Perfect Spouse in China can be a bit of a handful! This ‘marketplace’ is not just a metaphor. This marketplace of potential brides and grooms is simply a reality for most people looking for partners. These partners are either for themselves and/or their sons and […]
Maintaining a highly conservative socialist environment depends on keeping the people happy and looking away from other countries with democratic cultures.
The last thing China desires is an uprising of the people against its government because of the chaos. The perpetuation of a strict check and balance system must be in effect.

Load Balance HA MySQL with HAProxy. HAProxy or High Availability Proxy is a high performance open-source load balancer created to work (load balance) over TCP/HTTP. This is a Software that has several use cases you can chose, but it’s great for a MySQL load balancer. The company who makes HAProxy also develops many more products […]