Cloud Entrepreneurship General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Sotfware & DevOps Storage



Our Roadmap exists to improve our services and products and to communicate customers and the wider public. Aside for the solutions to work for our customers, partners and our own team.

“People work better when they know what the goal is and why. It is important that people look forward to coming to work in the morning and enjoy working.”

Elon musk

Roadmap Sesame Disk by NiHao Cloud

Roadmap 2024:

What we will achieve this year:

Make our price finally competitive to the Big Guys even when our market is niche. We have achieved quite a bit already, but will continue to work on it;

  • Made the uploads virtually free for most customers.
  • Reduced the price of downloads.
  • Created more competitive producs.
  • Reduced costs in general.
  • Pending is a project that should reduce costs by about 20 to 30% more, this reduction will be passed down to customers.

(70% done) Various website and systems improvements.

(Done) Make embedded sharing more scalable.

(Done) New Business metered (pay as you go) product.

(TBD) Improve user stats, both internal and customer facing. This will allow us to budget and price more accurately.

Help us improve

If you think we could do better or have some opinions on our plans, please provide feedback here.

Roadmap 2023; a year of change.

Reorg change the objectives of many of the projects.

  • (Canceled and replaced with a different plan) We will continue with what is left over from 2022. As a matter of fact we will focus will probably be about creating an open-source tool. This tool will change the way Cloud Storage is forever;
    • Will make us the most resilient could storage in the market. Meaning that you can lose connection for a few minutes and it will still come back online. Also that we can lose a region and the system will still be available.
    • Aside will allow us to reduce prices by 3x to 5x. Uploads will be free for the metered products.
    • It will 100% open-source and free for self hosted solutions.
    • Currently the project is currently in initial prototype development stage.
  • (partial) Other tasks:
    • (Canceled; cost) Mobile app improvements for androids.
    • (Canceled; cost) Mobile app improvements for IOS.
    • (Done) Simplify shop and products so any customer who has no experience can understand them and customise them.

Roadmap 2022 All Done:

Various General Platform, price and INFRA Improvements. Second we Improved stability and speed of the platform. Finally we upgraded backend tech.

2021 All Done:

First done was Billing Dashboard version 2.0. Also Budget product(s). Streaming and high traffic product(s). Third price improvements. more tech improvements like stats notifications & module. Then integrations with other products; LDAP/AD, Social Media. continued Various General Platform and infrastructure Improvements. Finally the plan for 2020 was completed successfully.

2020 All Done

We did alfa documents edition. In fact you can Login to see it.
Then regional deployments for Europe and North America. Third faster web interface based on ReactJS. Also you can Login to see it.
Plus ads version 1.0.; Login to see it too. Aside Rewards system version 1. Finally Various General Platform and infrastructure improvements.

The plan for 2020 was completed successfully.