A MySQL Cluster in the form of MariaDB Galera Cluster is a multi-master sync or multi-master replication available in a MariaDB cluster. While it is more expensive and harder to maintain than MySQL, the MariaDB Galera cluster can theoretically handle more. It allows higher scalability, especially read scalability, and is more fault-tolerant than other types […]
Author: Budi Santoso
Budi Santoso is a Development Operations and Technical Writer with experience in cloud, server operating systems, and CICD. Enthusiastic to continue to develop learning technology topics and have a passion for information technology.
Nextcloud is a free cloud storage service you can build on your private server with Docker. Nextcloud, like Sesame Disk by Nihao Cloud, lets you collaborate with open office, sync files and share with your friend or colleague, among various options. Moreover it’s free and open source, but you can also buy enterprise offers with more features. […]
Hello, are you as excited as I am? Well, you should be because, in this article, I will explain the steps to build a video conferencing Jitsi app with K8s. Jitsi is an open-source video conferencing app that uses webrtc technology. It is similar to video conferencing on Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet apps. Moreover, […]
In this post, you will learn to deploy WordPress on k8s (Kubernetes) managed from DigitalOcean. WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) for creating websites easily. By using PHP and MySQL to support WordPress in building a content management system, we can create many websites, blogs, and other website-based applications by learning how to […]
Setup a kubernetes multi-node cluster from scratch and run a simple app on it. Kubernetes is a Linux based open source platform that automates or manages applications in containers. With Kubernetes, you can efficiently respond to the requests by consumers by using Kubernetes nodes. Kubernetes is in a thriving ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools […]

Load Balance HA MySQL with HAProxy. HAProxy or High Availability Proxy is a high performance open-source load balancer created to work (load balance) over TCP/HTTP. This is a Software that has several use cases you can chose, but it’s great for a MySQL load balancer. The company who makes HAProxy also develops many more products […]
This post “MySQL master-slave replication with docker” was updated by Syed Umar Bukhari on August 26, 2021. As you may already know MySQL replication is a process to enable automatic copying of database(s) from one instance of MySQL to the other. Then docker and docker compose are orchestration tools. In this case, we will look […]
This post “Fixing jitsi recording unavailable on docker” was updated by: Syed Umar Bukhari on October 5, 2021 Many organizations and engineers are creating video conferencing apps during the covid-19 pandemic for online learning facilities, webinars, and for talking to loved ones– this is where Jitsi comes in. Jitsi is a free video conferencing alternative […]