Cloud Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

MySQL master-slave replication with docker

This post “MySQL master-slave replication with docker” was updated by Syed Umar Bukhari on August 26, 2021. As you may already know MySQL replication is a process to enable automatic copying of database(s) from one instance of MySQL to the other. Then docker and docker compose are orchestration tools. In this case, we will look […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Fixing jitsi recording unavailable on docker

This post “Fixing jitsi recording unavailable on docker” was updated by: Syed Umar Bukhari on October 5, 2021 Many organizations and engineers are creating video conferencing apps during the covid-19 pandemic for online learning facilities, webinars, and for talking to loved ones– this is where Jitsi comes in. Jitsi is a free video conferencing alternative […]

Cloud Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

How to Host WordPress Using Docker-Compose?

WordPress (WP) is a free-open-source website creation platform. It is the most popular Content Management System due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Check out our article on how to host WordPress from scratch. However, setting up a new environment every time is a bit tedious and time taking if you need to do it often. […]

Cloud Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Jitsi with Docker

Build Your Own Free Video Conference System This post “Jitsi with Docker” was updated by: Syed Umar Bukhari on September 29, 2021 Jitsi is an open source video conference application that is installed on its server. This video conferencing application provides an SDK for those of you to create video conference applications for mobile. In this post […]

Cloud General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps

Difference between Agile and DevOps

DevOps is a hot topic that has been circulating in the industry for a long period. Despite its popularity, there is mounting concern about how it differs from Agile. What could be worse? The Agile and DevOps discussion is a never-ending one in the information technology industry. Are you an ambitious engineer interested in learning […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects

AI Powering Advertising

AI Powering Advertising Content Insights Curse of Bad Decision-Making? Decision-making is a part of our existence. Every day we need to make decisions that may have good or bad results. Moreover, people have different ways of coming up with their decisions. Some base their decisions on emotions while others apply critical thinking. Interestingly, you can […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage

Ondemand product; unlimited & pay as you go!

The Ondemand Product is our flagship (Similar to the larger StarterPlus and BusinessPlus). There also is a similar post explaining the diferences of the 3 products (Ondemand, StarterPlus & BusinessPlus). Our theory is that we will help many people and change the Cloud storage business with “reserver capacity plus pay as you go products”. Meaning […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship Management and Projects Products Storage

Entrepreneurship and cloud services.

Better to pay or enjoy the free versions? Entrepreneurship practitioners and for people in general. In fact they know that today it is difficult for us to live without the services of technological giants. I am talking about Google, Dropbox or Amazon. Indeed their resources allow us to store documents and files and access them […]