Entrepreneurship General

How China’s SHEIN is beating top world fashion brands

China’s SHEIN is beating the top global brands in fashion and clothing. It has taken the ultra-fast fashion market by storm. Moreover, SHEIN is also the fastest-growing e-commerce company in the world. While this is true, it is also perhaps China’s most mysterious. While the pandemic financially mired competitors like Zara and H&M, China’s SHEIN […]


Covid and Bat Soup: Myth or Fact?

If you are reading this article, you may have come across many theories about Covid and bat soup causing it must have been one. I remember reading one (quite foolishly) titled “Bat Soup: The Initiator of The Covid Crises’. Skeptics from all over the world have different views about the origins of coronavirus. After all, it […]

Entrepreneurship General

Covid in China: The First Wave

Before talking about how China overcame Covid-19, we need to discuss how it responded to its news. On 31st December 2019, China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about an outbreak. The origins of this pneumonia outbreak were not known. Later, the city of Wuhan, located on the eastern side of China, was found to be […]

Entrepreneurship Management and Projects

How to Become a Digital Entrepreneur in 2022?

If you’re interested to learn what it means to become a Digital Entrepreneur then continue reading this article!

Entrepreneurship General

The Diverse Chinese Culture: Why I Loved It

An Introduction To Diverse Chinese Culture Living for just shy of a decade in one of the world’s biggest countries can have its effects on people. For me, it opened my eyes to how diversity is such a beautiful and important thing. Especially the diverse Chinese culture. Born in the same continent as China, one […]

Entrepreneurship General

The Chinese Zodiac Calendar Explained 

China. The country of great mythical magic, legends, and tradition. As a result, the Chinese Zodiac Calendar is unique and fascinating. It is widely used all across Asia. Again, it is trendy amongst people who believe in it. After reading this article, you’ll have the entire knowledge about the Chinese Zodiac Calendar in just a few […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship Sotfware & DevOps

Deploy WordPress on K8s; Kubernetes & WP

In this post, you will learn to deploy WordPress on k8s (Kubernetes) managed from DigitalOcean. WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) for creating websites easily. By using PHP and MySQL to support WordPress in building a content management system, we can create many websites, blogs, and other website-based applications by learning how to […]

Entrepreneurship General

The Toxic Work Culture in China

A Glance At The Toxic Work Culture in China China, we say that no economy of any country can ever hope to survive without the efforts of its employees and labor staff. The very essence is vital for life to function properly within its borders. In layman’s terms: no employees/laborers equal to no solid economic […]