General Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

Load Balance MySQL Using HAProxy

Load Balance HA MySQL with HAProxy. HAProxy or High Availability Proxy is a high performance open-source load balancer created to work (load balance) over TCP/HTTP. This is a Software that has several use cases you can chose, but it’s great for a MySQL load balancer. The company who makes HAProxy also develops many more products […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Products Storage


You want to become a reseller; you are welcome to get a deal with Sesame Disk by NiHao Cloud to be a reseller of Cloud Storage. The idea is; you sell and get a 10% to 35% of the initial deal. Aside you can get life long payments from the renewals of your own customers. […]

Cloud NiHao Cloud Documentation Sotfware & DevOps Storage

Top Chinese Cloud Storage Providers

While several top Chinese cloud storage providers are available today, this wasn’t always the case. In the past, finding any, let alone the top Chinese cloud storage providers, was a struggle. Before delving further, it is essential to know what cloud storage providers are and why the cloud is one of the top services out […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Storage

Cloud and DevOps: A match made in heaven

How the relationship between Cloud and DevOps affects the industry. The cloud and DevOps are the new kids on the block. They might not be what you expect, but together they make a good team. Cloud is known for providing scalable resources and DevOps is known for automation of deployment processes. Together these two technologies […]

Cloud NiHao Cloud Documentation Storage

Why you should care about Cloud Data security?

Cloud Encryption: Best practice for Cloud Security Cloud Encryption is a critical component of Cloud Computing Security Best Practices since it ensures that your cloud data is secured at rest and in transit. It provides peace of mind for customers who store their most sensitive information with the cloud storage companies, as they know those […]

Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

Top 7 Reasons Why a Business Fails

It’s hard to say goodbye. That’s not just a cliché. Saying goodbye is fairly tough—to a person; to your dream; to your cute little business! It’s tough to accept the fact when your business fails. You had a dream… you had an idea… you wanted it to work, and you took the bold step to […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

Picking the SQL Database For You

A Comparison of SQL Database Flavors: How To Pick The Right SQL Database Flavor For You? SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a database that has widespread uses with many flavors– which we will explore. As such, in our data-driven world, SQL is fast becoming an essential skill. Therefore, in this article, we will look […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

Active Directory AD and OpenLDAP for Security and SSO

You might be please to know that the Sesame Disk by Nihao Cloud storage now supports AD and OpenLDAP for Security and SSO. The idea is for you to be able to bring your own LDAP users from your server and thus secure your accounts using the same credentials as the ones people regularly use […]