General Products Storage

SaaS Cloud Storage

An increasing number of businesses are choosing cloud services and adopting the cloud ecosystem day by day. In simple terms, cloud services mean using someone else’s hardware devices and paying only the amount you use. Compared to on-premises, cloud storage as service solutions like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offer major benefits in productivity and cost. […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage

Ondemand product; unlimited & pay as you go!

The Ondemand Product is our flagship (Similar to the larger StarterPlus and BusinessPlus). There also is a similar post explaining the diferences of the 3 products (Ondemand, StarterPlus & BusinessPlus). Our theory is that we will help many people and change the Cloud storage business with “reserver capacity plus pay as you go products”. Meaning […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship Management and Projects Products Storage

Entrepreneurship and cloud services.

Better to pay or enjoy the free versions? Entrepreneurship practitioners and for people in general. In fact they know that today it is difficult for us to live without the services of technological giants. I am talking about Google, Dropbox or Amazon. Indeed their resources allow us to store documents and files and access them […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage Tools & HowTo

Serve media using NiHao Cloud

Visuals and media content are much more important for the overall impression of applications. We prefer visuals over textual content. There is no meaning of visuals if they’re not of high quality. With the emergence of cloud environments, we have found a way of effectively storing the data. But the question lies on how to […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage Tools & HowTo

Enhance Team Productivity with Web Office

With great powers comes great responsibilities.!”. In this revolutionary internet and data-driven era, everything is much handier and easily accessible. But this can turn into a curse if proper management is not present. If you want to achieve personal and business goals, the management of your data and resources is one of the key aspects. […]

Cloud NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

Lazy Loading: Intro

This post has been updated on May 31, 2021. “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Graphical representation has the ability to impact straight to us and can deliver the intention on point. Do we still need examples like the shinchan cartoon to prove that images can turn conscious human beings into crazy heads? The […]

General Products Storage

Why File Sharing is Essential for Enterprises?

“TEAM”.! The word refers to “Together Everyone Achieves More”. Teamwork is the concrete element for any organization. By the digital transformation, all the businesses have made file-sharing paperless. And in such a scenario, without having a reliable way to run the same task one may end up messing the whole ecosystem. Due to enforced work-from-home […]

General Products Storage

Files Sharing & Cloud Storage

Files Sharing and Cloud Storage; The Benefits they Brings to Businesses Files sharing and cloud storage providers have become increasingly popular. In fact it have become the most convenient method for storing data with enhanced collaboration methods. It has reached a level where organizations can undoubtedly depend on and thrive in the competition. These sites […]