Entrepreneurship General Tools & HowTo

Healthy Chinese Diet: What Can We Learn

Is it wise to follow a healthy Chinese diet? Why are the Chinese healthy even in today’s age of fast food and drinkable calories?  China is one of the earliest civilizations in the world. China was at the top when people from other countries were still learning about society. Chinese people were expressing their relationships […]

General Tools & HowTo

Chinese Etiquette – The Complete Dos and Don’ts Guide!

Traveling to China involves several difficulties. Yes, there is jet lag and a language barrier. However, for most first-timers, the cultural shock really gets to them. This is why it is essential to learn the Chinese etiquette early with the complete dos and don’ts guide. You can feel a little out of the ordinary as […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Tools & HowTo

Browse Incognito Mode

Sometimes you must browse in incognito mode, also known as an anonymous mode. For instance, when you visit links on a system like ours more than once, your browser caches old “assets.” The assets might need to be cleared out manually in some cases. So, this tends to happen significantly when the system changes over […]

Blockchain and Web 3.0 Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Blockchain Developer with C#: How to Get Started

Blockchain technology has gained increasing popularity and adoption over recent years. This new distributed database technology offers much potential, especially within financial services, supply chain management, healthcare, etc. Hence, this post will discuss how to get started as a blockchain developer with C#. Developers are starting to take notice and explore its possibilities. However, understanding […]

Cloud Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Video Conferencing with Jitsi on K8s

Hello, are you as excited as I am? Well, you should be because, in this article, I will explain the steps to build a video conferencing Jitsi app with K8s. Jitsi is an open-source video conferencing app that uses webrtc technology. It is similar to video conferencing on Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet apps. Moreover, […]

General Tools & HowTo

Why Do Chinese Dumplings Hold A Cultural Significance?

Chinese Dumplings – A Delicious Introduction Dumplings hold a very prominent cultural significance in China. I will come out and say it: Chinese dumplings are my favorite part of pan-Asian cuisine. They are small and bite-sized, so they are easy to eat. There is an endless selection to stuff yourself. Flavors, meat, and vegetables, you […]

General python Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Face Recognition in Python: A Beginner’s Guide

Face Recognition in Python: A Beginner’s Guide will be an utterly fascinating post about something that is both scary and amazing– face detection and analysis using artificial intelligence in Python. How cool is that? How terrifying is that?  Before getting into it, I think it’s important to lay some ground framework. I’ll list a few […]

Cloud General Products Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Kubernetes nodes: K8s setup and run apps

Setup a kubernetes multi-node cluster from scratch and run a simple app on it. Kubernetes is a Linux based open source platform that automates or manages applications in containers. With Kubernetes, you can efficiently respond to the requests by consumers by using Kubernetes nodes. Kubernetes is in a thriving ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools […]