Cloud Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

How to Host WordPress Using Docker-Compose?

WordPress (WP) is a free-open-source website creation platform. It is the most popular Content Management System due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Check out our article on how to host WordPress from scratch. However, setting up a new environment every time is a bit tedious and time taking if you need to do it often. […]

Entrepreneurship Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

What is Agile Automation Framework?

Ever been in a meeting where you’re trying to convince people that your idea is the best, but no one listens? Well, now there’s a framework for that. Join us as we explore how agile automation can help make it easier to win those meetings and get what you want.In this blog post, we’ll talk […]

Cloud Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Jitsi with Docker

Build Your Own Free Video Conference System This post “Jitsi with Docker” was updated by: Syed Umar Bukhari on September 29, 2021 Jitsi is an open source video conference application that is installed on its server. This video conferencing application provides an SDK for those of you to create video conference applications for mobile. In this post […]

Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

What is Agile Kanban Methodology?

Kanban is an agile approach that focuses on continuous improvement, management flexibility, and improved workflow. Project managers can easily evaluate the progress of the whole project at a glance by using the kanban methodology. Moreover, the Kanban methodology is one of the easiest frameworks since it enables project managers to organize and monitor their projects […]

Cloud NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Performance Test of NiHao Cloud with curl

Performance Test of NiHao Cloud using curl In today’s dynamic world, time is the most critical aspect for any business person. Whether it’s deciding to trade off or launching a new product, reaching the customers within the least possible time filter you from the majority crowd. Updated on: June 22, 2021 How much your customers […]

General Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

How to Host WordPress on Linux System?

Updated on: June 8, 2021 This article will show the step-by-step process to host a WordPress site using a Linux-based system. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Currently, over 35% of the websites on the web are built with WordPress and it […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage Tools & HowTo

Serve media using NiHao Cloud

Visuals and media content are much more important for the overall impression of applications. We prefer visuals over textual content. There is no meaning of visuals if they’re not of high quality. With the emergence of cloud environments, we have found a way of effectively storing the data. But the question lies on how to […]

Cloud General Tools & HowTo

What is a VPN?

A Brief Overview of Cloud VPN. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network that is like a tunnel that allows more secure access to the internet. VPN basically masks the IP address so the online actions are virtually untraceable. In addition, VPN service establishes a secure and end-to-end encrypted channel to provide greater privacy. Why VPN? […]