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Entrepreneurship and cloud services.

Better to pay or enjoy the free versions?

Entrepreneurship in the internet era

Entrepreneurship practitioners and for people in general. In fact they know that today it is difficult for us to live without the services of technological giants. I am talking about Google, Dropbox or Amazon. Indeed their resources allow us to store documents and files and access them from any place or connected device.

However, as difficult to believe as this may seem, Google is not available to everyone in the entrepreneurship world. Many regions of the planet, like China, have their access to its technologies denied.

Even if those regions were not denied, many people don’t believe it’s a smart decision to trust our data. Specially to dubious information management policies.

Cloud services can be used by all kinds of users specially when we are talking about entrepreneurship. As you might have already observed, By default, many of these companies that offers these benefits will provide you with free and professional/premium versions. Now, if you have a professional project, are self-employed or have a small business, you can benefit from the paid version or Company for a small price.

To Pay or not to Pay?

The question is whether it is worth taking the leap and paying for a service that we can continue to use for free. Let’s see the differences between the two services. This is of course a very general level discussion and my own opinion.

The advantages

As in the personal versions, the Business version offers storage space to store documents and files. Thus, instead of saving that content on our local computers, we can have them on the Internet and thus retrieve them when we need them and from different devices. With this we will have automatic backups and easy access to our documentation.

Another example

The second advantage they might offer is the ability to edit documents from the browser. This is normally without installing office software such as the popular Microsoft Office or other alternatives. Among other documents, we can create spreadsheets, text documents, presentations, drawings, diagrams, forms and a long etc. Some companies might offer this for free, just think of it as an example.

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In this way we will be saving paid software costs and its maintenance (Office). this is since the cloud storage tools work in the browser and through free mobile apps and do not require updates or configurations. As you might guess this is great from the entrepreneurship standpoint. More services together for less pay.

As it stands the entrepreneurship practiconers or business owner do not need to by 2 or 3 different software, get free the 3 or 4 free softwares and maintain the integration. Most things are the and usable from the get go. No need to pay IT personnel etc.

Also the customization level, we can comfortably manage access permissions to storage space, files, what permissions each account has, etc. In short, we can manage a virtual office from the same place. This for many tends to save money, be more reliable and easy to use. Not to mention the fact that you might have a good customer service support. To be fare this depends on the company, but you can evaluate what works for you.

Enterprise Edition for entrepreneurship

The charms of the Enterprise version extend beyond online storage and office suite. As some of them will also provide email management, text, audio and voice communications, as well as the organization of meetings and events. You will be able to host your websites in a simple and efficient way, and all this under the same platform.

On the other hand, when constituting a payment service, it will include advice and personal support via phone or email.

The costs of the Enterprise version vary depending on the users who are registered and the storage of each user. They will be adapted to the number of employees or work collaborators. These services normally have and the amount of storage we will need.

Nihao Cloud is an excellent alternative option to large corporations. As you might know it offers information security, speed and access from any corner of the planet. If you feel interested, you will find much more information on its official page.

By abel

Family, Systems engineer, philosophy, world history, good food, current affairs and good movies.

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