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Mastering the Art of Working from Home: How to Take Your Productivity to the Next Level

The Sequel: Further Tips for Skyrocketing Your Work-from-Home Productivity

We’ve already run through the techniques and golden nuggets of boosting your productivity in a previous post. If you’re here and padding up for more, it’s clear that you’re serious about augmenting your performance. Let’s dive right in.

Mastering the Art of Working from Home
The temptation to take a lunchbreak at your desk is strong when you work at home. But it’s worth taking a break where you move to a different space where work can’t reach you. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa/dpa

11. Master the Art of Delegation

Yes, it’s a home-run, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone. Easily delegate tasks using platforms such as Asana and Trello. Why do the juggling when you can be the master puppeteer?

12. Get Tech Smart

Usage of the right tech tools can increase your efficiency by a great margin. Explore marketing tools such as Hubspot and Hootsuite, CRMs like Salesforce or Zoho, and so much more. Also, keep your systems up-to-date and free of any technical glitches.

13. Mind Your Health

Ensure your work setup benefits your health. Sit straight, keep the top of your monitor at or slightly below eye level, keep your mouse and keyboard within easy reach and on the same surface. Your wrists should be straight and your upper arms close to the body.

14. Time Your Tasks

Strategize your day according to the nature of your tasks and your energy levels. Get done with the most brain-intense tasks during your peak productivity hours.

15. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drink up! A hydrated body guarantees a hydrated brain, keeping fatigue and unnecessary cravings at bay.

16. The Power of Power Naps

Feeling drowsy after lunch? Take a power nap. It’s an excellent way to restore alertness and memory, leading to a more productive afternoon. The recommended time is about 20 minutes to prevent reaching the deeper stages of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

17. Dress for Success

Get out of your pajamas and dress for work, even if you’re in your home office. Dressing up will put you in the right frame of mind for work, and psychologically prepare you to start your tasks.

18. Define Boundaries

With your family, friends, and even pets. Let them know your work hours and ensure you are not disturbed during these times.

19. Choose Wisely: Multitasking vs. Single Tasking

We often believe that multitasking leads to more productivity, but does it really? Science has proven that it can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40%. So, focus on one task at a time for better productivity.

20. Reward Yourself

Last, but not the least. After completing your scheduled tasks for the day, don’t forget to reward yourself. It could be anything that soothes you: your favorite meal, movie, or maybe just a walk in the park. Treat yourself- you’ve earned it!

It is the era of work-from-home. While it can be a challenge, it’s all about strategy and balance. Use these tips to stay engaged, focused, and productive. Go for it; you’ve got it in you!

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