development – Sesame Disk Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:37:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 development – Sesame Disk 32 32 Unveiling the Future: Advances in Natural Language Processing for Business Applications Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:31:03 +0000 Mastering the Future with Advanced Natural Language Processing in Business Applications

Ladies and gents, if you think understanding human language is a walk in the park, try explaining that to your computer! Fortunately that’s exactly what Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies are made for. Let us delve into the advances in NLP and its application in business that makes the task feel less like teaching Shakespeare to a toaster.

Unveiling the Future: Advances in Natural Language Processing for Business Applications

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human language in a valuable way.

A Bit of History

Did you know that despite its recent popularity, NLP has actually been around since the 1950s? It’s like the Betty White of AI technology! Only instead of making you laugh with witty comebacks, it’s busy changing the way businesses operate.

Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing


First on our list is not Optimus Prime leading the Autobots, but a revolutionary model in NLP called Transformers. These mighty models have been a great driving force behind the growth of NLP in recent years. They use a mechanism called Attention to better understand the context of words in a sentence and provide astonishing results when it comes to language translation, sentence relationships, and other tasks.

You can read more about Transformers here!


Another advance that stands out is BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). BERT models are pre-trained on a large corpus of text and can then be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks.

Business Applications of Advanced Natural Language Processing

Now that we’ve covered the recent advances in NLP, let’s look at their applications in the business world.

Enhanced Customer Service with Chatbots

With advanced NLP, businesses can now provide 24/7 customer service through the use of chatbots. These are not your regular, monotonous chatbots which can only reply to fixed commands. With the power of NLP, these bots understand the context of the conversation and provide the appropriate responses. They’re more than just scripts – they’re the customer service rep that never sleeps!

Sentiment Analysis for Improved Product and Services

With NLP, brands can now dig into the massive pool of social media posts, customer reviews, and other online mentions to analyze sentiments and understand consumer behavior and opinions regarding their products and services. It’s like having a business satellite in the digital universe, constantly mining insights to create better customer experiences.


In the intimidating mountain range of AI technologies, Natural Language Processing is definitely a peak worth summiting. With technological advances such as Transformers and BERT, NLP has brought dramatic transformations in business applications. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this vibrant field and watch how NLP continues to shape the future of businesses and redefine customer experiences.

Hands on NLP

For the tech enthusiasts who want to get hands-on, here are some installation instructions:

To install the transformers library on Python, use:

pip install transformers

And for BERT model:

pip install pytorch-pretrained-bert pytorch-nlp

For Mac users, if you face permission issues, try adding a “sudo” before your command, like this:

sudo pip install transformers

Now you’re all set to start your adventure with NLP. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Don’t use NLP to teach your computer how to sass. We have enough sass on the internet already!

Python vs Go: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Resources for Beginners Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:12:32 +0000 Python vs Go: A Field Guide of Learning Resources for Beginners

When you’re itching to dive into a new programming language, finding comprehensive, accessible resources can be a bit like undertaking an epic adventure in a vast tech wilderness. But fear not, today we’re blazing a trail through the Python and Go landscape, comparing the availability and accessibility of tutorials and documentation for newcomers.

Python vs Go: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Resources for Beginners

Python: Teeming with Tutorial Treasures

Python, like an elderly librarian, holds myriad resources behind its bespectacled gaze. Being an incredibly popular language, Python has copious resources available for eager learners.

The Python Organization: All-knowing, All-seeing

Knocking about the official Python website is akin to finding a map to buried treasure. This official site is rife with Python tutorials tailored to varying skill levels.

# Even the most basic codes are adequately explained
print ("Hello, World!")

A wealth of information is out there! From installing Python on different operating systems to understanding code snippets, you’ve got a reliable guide.

Community Resources: An Army of Python Wizards at your Service

Python’s established, bustling community offers a plethora of open-source libraries, online forums, and interactive platforms for assistance. Testing out StackOverflow solutions is a lot like asking a wise, old wizard for directions. You never know if you’ll get a simple route or a riddle in ancient Elvish.

Go: A Blooming Haven for Curious Minds

Sure, Google’s Go (Golang) is like the new kid on the block compared to Python, but it’s like that new kid who just moved in and already has the coolest bike and the latest game console.

Go’s Official Documentation: Google’s Gift

The official Go documentation dished out by Google is a well-organized, user-friendly hub of insights for newcomers.

// Accessible explanations of even the most basic Go code
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

With a well-structured installation guide and clear code examples, Go’s official website sets a mellow pace for rookies.

Community Resources: Grow with Go

Go’s community might be younger than Python’s, but it’s as ready and eager as a puppy with your favorite shoe. Community-driven Go projects, online forums, interactive platforms, and blogs provide a rich playground for Go beginners to expand their knowledge and skills.

Python vs. Go: What’s More Beginner-friendly?

To wrap it up, Python typically wears the crown for beginner-friendliness with its natural language-like syntax. But you don’t have to be the Flash to catch up with Go’s rapid growth in popularity in recent years. It’s like a tortoise and a hare type situation but in this one, we’re giving the tortoise some roller-skates!

Both languages extend a hearty welcome to newcomers with well-planned, easy-to-understand official and community resources. Both Python and Go communities are dynamic, full of wisdom, and responsive. Just remember, using Python doesn’t make you Indiana Jones, and mastering Go doesn’t make you a Google Genius… although we’re sure it won’t hurt your chances.

So, find your compass and choose your trail: the choice, intrepid coder, is yours!

Mastering Input/Output in GoLang: An In-Depth Guide to Interacting with External Data Sources Thu, 04 Apr 2024 01:18:35 +0000 Go for the Gold! Interacting with External Data Sources Using Input/Output in GoLang

Putting the “Go” in GoLang

As developers, we are constantly interacting with external data sources. With the explosive growth of data, this has become an increasingly important aspect of programming. And one of the fastest rising stars in programming that handles input/output operations with aplomb is GoLang; otherwise known as Go. In this missive, I guarantee you’ll have fun mastering the art of input/output in GoLang.

Mastering Input/Output in GoLang: An In-Depth Guide to Interacting with External Data Sources

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry! Take a deep breath and remember the wise words of the infamous programmer Jon Skeet, “I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits.”

An Introduction to Input/Output in GoLang

Creating efficient and accurate data streams is a crucial skill in the life of any developer. In GoLang, the net/http package makes reading from and writing to external data sources seamless and dynamic. This is where GoLang genuinely shines and shows us why Google initially developed it. Data processing with GoLang is like watching Usain Bolt run; it’s incredibly fast, efficient, and if you blink, you might miss something!

Interacting With External Data Sources

The primary method of doing input/output operations in GoLang involves dealing with Readers and Writers. Go’s interfaces make it easy to define how data gets transferred.

A Peak at the GoLang Code For I/O Operations

Take a look at the basic syntax for a reader and writer in GoLang:

type Reader interface {
    Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Writer interface {
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

Reader reads data into p, and Writer writes data from p. But here’s a fun GoLang fact: All types implementing these methods can be passed around as Readers and Writers. Crazy, right? It’s like telling a joke and having everyone laugh, regardless of whether they understood it. That’s GoLang for you.

Putting It All Together

Okay, now that we’ve understood the basics let’s dive into our practical example. Here’s a simple GoLang code snippet that interacts with an external file:

package main

import (

func main() {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("File reading error", err)
	fmt.Println("Contents of file:", string(data))

What did the Go programmer say when they ran this code? “Go figure it!” (Because, you know, it actually works!)

Installation Instructions for Different Operating Systems

If you haven’t installed GoLang yet, take a look at this super user-friendly guide at Whether you’re on Linux, macOS, or Windows, this guide offers step-by-step instructions to make your downloading and installation process a breeze.

In Conclusion

Just like data is the heartbeat of any software, learning how to read from and write to external data sources efficiently is crucial. GoLang provides you with a myriad of tools to handle these operations with grace, speed and flexibility that would make a ballet dancer envious. Now, with this essential knowledge about input/output operations in GoLang, you can confidently juggle with data streams like a pro. So get out there, start “going” with GoLang, and remember – you’ve got the essentials down, and everything else is just semantics! (Get it, because in programming semantics means the interpretation of our code?)
