General python

User Login: User Authentication in Python

Simple username/password login is pretty much extinct today. Most services today have moved on to rely on more refined and secure forms of user authentication systems. These include encryption, hashing, the use of salt and pepper, and even 2FA with messages or emails. So given that, it is fundamental to know about authentication systems to […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General

Traditional China Trifecta: Mind, Body, and Spirit

Ah, traditional China. We all know about TCM or traditional Chinese medicine. It is one of the leading healthcare systems, coming only after modern medicine. Part of its success is due to the cutting edge science that goes into the treatments. So, TCM continues to astound physicians even today. The way TCM used plants and […]

Cloud General

Ancient Chinese Medicine: How Relevant is it Today?

Ancient Chinese medicine is a healthcare practice. It has been the go-to for all ailments and diseases in China for at least 23 centuries. That really is impressive! Ancient Chinese medicine attempts to prevent or treat disease. It does so by preserving or reestablishing the yin-yang balance. China has one of the world’s oldest medical […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General

TCM: The Idea of Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM, or traditional Chinese medicine, is an ancient healthcare system based on the idea of Qi. Qi, pronounced as ‘chi,’ is a term we will discuss today. Simply put, Qi is a vital energy in the body. Practitioners of Qi say it flows throughout the body and regulates a person’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical […]

Entrepreneurship General Tools & HowTo

Made In China: Is It Worth It?

Should you get your products assembled and made in China? Are you thinking of starting an enterprise? Or do you have an idea that you’d like to come to fruition, then you are at the right place? For any product to be sold to a consumer, there is first an entire process. This consists of […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General Tools & HowTo

Royal Pets: A Brief History of China’s Furry Friends

Did the Chinese royalty of ancient times have royal pets? Were these pets living as royals or just used as toys? Well, records show that the Chinese Imperialists had pets and were very fond of them, too. A diverse range of species is classified as ‘pets’ here. So, these consist of lions, giraffes, and even […]

Cloud Entrepreneurship General

Free Cloud Storage: Top 9 Cloud Storage Services in 2023

You have surely used one free cloud storage service to store something… for backup, right? I know I have. Tell you what, I lost a whole book recently because I forgot to back it up. So, trust me when I tell you, a cloud storage service is essential in 2023. In this post, I will […]

Entrepreneurship General

BRICS 2022: Is China the Most Successful?

In BRICS 2022, is China still the most successful? BRICS 2022 is a collection of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South African nations. The term BRICS represents the shifting economic balance of power. This power would eventually dominate the world economy and bring a new era of global governance. When the term was first coined, […]