Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Storage for Photographers and Creatives

Cloud Storage for Photographers and Creatives: A Comprehensive Guide Welcome, fellow creatives! In this digital age, the plethora of files we generate daily—from high-resolution photographs to intricate digital art pieces—requires a reliable and effective solution for storage. Enter cloud storage: a lifeline for photographers and creatives worldwide. Today, I’m thrilled to take you on a […]

Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps Storage Tools & HowTo

The Ultimate Showdown: Cloud Storage vs. Local Storage – Which One Should You Choose?

Cloud Storage vs. Local Storage: The Ultimate Comparison Have you ever wondered whether to store your precious data on local storage or take it to the cloud? Well, you’re not alone! This question is as old as the hills in the tech world. But worry not; we’re here to shed some light on this intriguing […]

General Products Storage

SaaS Cloud Storage

An increasing number of businesses are choosing cloud services and adopting the cloud ecosystem day by day. In simple terms, cloud services mean using someone else’s hardware devices and paying only the amount you use. Compared to on-premises, cloud storage as service solutions like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offer major benefits in productivity and cost. […]

Cloud General NiHao Cloud Documentation Products Storage

Ondemand; unlimited & pay as you go!

Ondemand; Our theory is that we will help many people and change the Cloud storage business with “reserver capacity plus pay as you go products”. Meaning you that you get for cheap entry, the entry will give you a reserved amount of capacity and then bill you if you happen to need to consume more. […]

Products Storage

What are Cloud Storages? An Overview

Cloud storages are a type of computing Cloud. Cloud, Cloud, Cloud. That’s the most we all hear in the IT industry. Over the last decade, “cloud” was the fancy term that boomed the market and covered a large area of the industry within no time. The cloud has completely changed the structure of storage and […]