How The Cosmetic Industry Took Over China - At A Glance

It is to no one’s surprise that China is one of the world’s fastest-growing countries. Not only in population statistics, but in technology, medical advancement, and now even in the cosmetic industry including cosmetic procedures. With the advancement of technology and the popularity of cosmetic products through social media, China; is being ahead of the rest of the world. When it comes to manufacturing and product supply, China is now being taken over by the cosmetic industry.
How the industry reels them in
The appeal is there!
Products that enhance your natural beauty, procedures that make you ageless, and an endless supply of products that accentuate your features. The pursuit of beauty truly knows no bounds. China has a huge population regardless and so even if the products are made in China, for the people in China, there is already a huge market already present.
Beauty supplies and make-up products, medical cosmetic procedures are also on the rise. Plastic surgery, Botox treatments, and skin procedures like Juvéderm are also very, very popular. Furthermore, the cosmetic industry is vast and diverse when it comes to procedures, products, and supply and because of this, it has become extremely accessible in China.
How The Cosmetic Industry Took Over China - In-Depth
It is a global truth: people want vanity. They are obsessed with looking their best because when people look their best, they feel their best. So, when people feel their best, they are more confident. For this reason, precisely, products or procedures that aid in them in feeling their very best selves are on the rise.
Companies are targeting the public by promising them their very best selves if they buy this product or that perfume or if they buy this vitamin supplement they'll appear more beautiful. Because of this, this phenomenon has worked, all over the world! The demand for these products has gone sky high and to meet this and so has the supply.
In addition, companies, especially cosmetic companies and those that engage in cosmetic medical procedures are profiting heavily.
To answer the question of how exactly the cosmetic industry has taken over China plainly: social media influence, popularity, access to procedures and products, and hype.

To answer the question of how exactly the cosmetic industry has taken over China in detail, let’s break these down:
Social Media Influence:
Living in the 21st century, we know how influential social media can
be. WeChat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Youku and Facebook are at the top of social media companies that promote brands.
In a country like China where the population is already so vast in
number, social media exists as one of the main influential tool
companies use to promote their products.
They do this by:
I. Promoting their brand and the brands’ products on people’s
home pages on social media platforms: e.g., people’s
Instagram’s home page
II. Hiring influencers or social media celebrities to talk about their products to their followers.
This helps in more and more people knowing about the brand and its products while also knowing all the qualities and attributes of the product for e.g., a lipstick and its shades, a coffee bean package, and its variations.
Companies also have the options of running ads.
By running ads of their products on social media, people have no choice but to engage with the posts that show the products. They can do this on all social media platforms like Youku, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. All these actions result in the product getting more and more coverage, adding to its popularity which again, benefits the company as more and more people are interested in buying it
When a cosmetic product, procedure, or anything related to that is
launched to the public, a particular hype is created to let the public know a little bit about the product. Lots of companies do this. They do it sometimes by hiring billboards, digital ad space on TVs, newspapers excerpts, and in the digital age, creating ads. China is no exception to this.
When the cosmetic industry moves, it moves quickly and when such a huge population has your attention, your supply is sure to run out quick.
Popularity of a product or procedure especially those of cosmetic quality is an amazing tool to making business and the higher the popularity of your product, the more the public is interested in buying it. Popularity is something that everybody strives for when it comes to themselves and their businesses.
Access to products and procedures:
Globalization is a great tool. It promotes trends that may start
somewhere in some country, but if it picks up the pace, it starts trending all over the world. But China is different. As a communist country existing in today’s day and age, they encourage their public to use their own locally made social media apps. Despite them not being
so in touch with the outside world, China has still made its own trends that are made for and made by the Chinese public for themselves and by themselves.
Again, because of these trends and popularity, the access to getting these cosmetic procedures and products have become widely known. It is now very easy to go get your lips done, get Botox, and other procedures because of their sheer appeal created by social media and the access to which is very easy. The public is aware that these procedures are available in most places and they can get them at a reasonable price too. An endless supply of cosmetic products is also available to the public to buy.
All in all, the cosmetic industry is profiting heavily from China and its people. Medical cosmetic procedures that enhance one’s features are also an aspect of how the cosmetic industry has taken over the Chinese people with its appeal.
To sum this up, China is ultimately a huge marketplace. They have a very diverse population but the one thing that the majority has in common is the pursuit of vanity.
The cosmetic industry knows exactly this and therefore has put China at the top of the list of consumers they want to target. Be it cosmetic medical procedures or beauty product supplies, the cosmetic industry has taken a hold of the Chinese market.
If you want to read another great related post about starting a business in China follow the link.