Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Mojo Language 101 ?: Complete Guide

Ever feel like you’re swimming against the tide, striving to make sense of the growing complexities and progress of artificial intelligence development? In our turbocharged, competitive world, the mantra is clear: adapt, improve, and excel. Based on this, Mojo language, the innovative programming language designed explicitly for AI development, entered the frame (just over a […]

Entrepreneurship Tools & HowTo

ChatGPT API: Automate Content Generation with Python

Introduction to Content Generation with Python and ChatGPT API Are you tired of spending hours sifting through long articles or struggling to come up with fresh ideas? Imagine if there was a way to tap into the power of AI to revolutionize how you consume and create content. Say hello to ChatGPT! In this article, […]

Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Platforms Using Python

In this modern day and age, data is an asset to individuals and organizations. You might have heard this term, Big Data, as one of the hottest topics in the tech industry. But what does it mean? Big Data refers to the flow of data, received or stored, in large volumes. It can be any […]

Tools & HowTo

Sorting Algorithms in Python: Crash Tutorial

Sorting algorithms are a vital part of computer science due to their versatile nature. They also serve as a medium of education. These algorithms sort data in a particular order– such as alphabetical or numerical order. There are also numerous types of algorithms: brute-force, divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, etc. In this article, we’ll explore three popular […]

General python

User Login: User Authentication in Python

Simple username/password login is pretty much extinct today. Most services today have moved on to rely on more refined and secure forms of user authentication systems. These include encryption, hashing, the use of salt and pepper, and even 2FA with messages or emails. So given that, it is fundamental to know about authentication systems to […]

General python Tools & HowTo

Authentication in Python: Biometric Fingerprint Matching

Before looking at biometric authentication in python with fingerprint matching, I want to explain the concept behind it. Why do you need an authentication system? Why should you build it without weaknesses? I’ll answer that and more with a basic program in python. Then, I’ll explore what authentication in python means with face recognition and fingerprint matching. […]

Blockchain and Web 3.0 python Sotfware & DevOps

Smart Contracts in Python: Complete Guide

Smart contracts in Python? Don’t worry if that line doesn’t make sense. So, this post will explore the steps of deploying smart contracts in Python and help you understand how to do it independently and concisely. Like my previous one, where I discussed how to Write Your First Smart Contract || Blockchain, I will break […]

General python Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Face Recognition in Python: A Beginner’s Guide

Face Recognition in Python: A Beginner’s Guide will be an utterly fascinating post about something that is both scary and amazing– face detection and analysis using artificial intelligence in Python. How cool is that? How terrifying is that?  Before getting into it, I think it’s important to lay some ground framework. I’ll list a few […]