Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps

Agile Scrum Backlog: Product and Sprint

Agile Scrum methodology may be very beneficial in a broad range of situations, but complications can occur if it is not correctly understood. It has its own set of terminology and working methods that may be confusing to people unfamiliar with the approach. In this post we will discuss part of the Agile jargon; Scrum […]

General Products Storage

SaaS Cloud Storage

An increasing number of businesses are choosing cloud services and adopting the cloud ecosystem day by day. In simple terms, cloud services mean using someone else’s hardware devices and paying only the amount you use. Compared to on-premises, cloud storage as service solutions like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offer major benefits in productivity and cost. […]

Entrepreneurship General Management and Projects Sotfware & DevOps

What is a Scrum Master?

One day, I noticed a new hire on my team named Chris walking around with a puzzled look on his face. He was asking the other members of my team what they were doing all day long at work, but he didn’t seem to get their answers. They told him that they were working in […]