Blockchain and Web 3.0 Sotfware & DevOps Tools & HowTo

Blockchain Developer with C#: How to Get Started

Blockchain technology has gained increasing popularity and adoption over recent years. This new distributed database technology offers much potential, especially within financial services, supply chain management, healthcare, etc. Hence, this post will discuss how to get started as a blockchain developer with C#. Developers are starting to take notice and explore its possibilities. However, understanding […]

Blockchain and Web 3.0 python Sotfware & DevOps

Smart Contracts in Python: Complete Guide

Smart contracts in Python? Don’t worry if that line doesn’t make sense. So, this post will explore the steps of deploying smart contracts in Python and help you understand how to do it independently and concisely. Like my previous one, where I discussed how to Write Your First Smart Contract || Blockchain, I will break […]

Blockchain and Web 3.0 Entrepreneurship General

Write First Smart Contract in Solidity | Blockchain

Hence, define the function store (which stores someone’s favourite number), passing a variable to store a number input from the user. Assign the favourite number variable created above (with public scope) to the local variable passed in the function.