ChatGPT – Sesame Disk Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:32:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ChatGPT – Sesame Disk 32 32 Unveiling the Future: Advances in Natural Language Processing for Business Applications Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:31:03 +0000 Mastering the Future with Advanced Natural Language Processing in Business Applications

Ladies and gents, if you think understanding human language is a walk in the park, try explaining that to your computer! Fortunately that’s exactly what Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies are made for. Let us delve into the advances in NLP and its application in business that makes the task feel less like teaching Shakespeare to a toaster.

Unveiling the Future: Advances in Natural Language Processing for Business Applications

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human language in a valuable way.

A Bit of History

Did you know that despite its recent popularity, NLP has actually been around since the 1950s? It’s like the Betty White of AI technology! Only instead of making you laugh with witty comebacks, it’s busy changing the way businesses operate.

Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing


First on our list is not Optimus Prime leading the Autobots, but a revolutionary model in NLP called Transformers. These mighty models have been a great driving force behind the growth of NLP in recent years. They use a mechanism called Attention to better understand the context of words in a sentence and provide astonishing results when it comes to language translation, sentence relationships, and other tasks.

You can read more about Transformers here!


Another advance that stands out is BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). BERT models are pre-trained on a large corpus of text and can then be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks.

Business Applications of Advanced Natural Language Processing

Now that we’ve covered the recent advances in NLP, let’s look at their applications in the business world.

Enhanced Customer Service with Chatbots

With advanced NLP, businesses can now provide 24/7 customer service through the use of chatbots. These are not your regular, monotonous chatbots which can only reply to fixed commands. With the power of NLP, these bots understand the context of the conversation and provide the appropriate responses. They’re more than just scripts – they’re the customer service rep that never sleeps!

Sentiment Analysis for Improved Product and Services

With NLP, brands can now dig into the massive pool of social media posts, customer reviews, and other online mentions to analyze sentiments and understand consumer behavior and opinions regarding their products and services. It’s like having a business satellite in the digital universe, constantly mining insights to create better customer experiences.


In the intimidating mountain range of AI technologies, Natural Language Processing is definitely a peak worth summiting. With technological advances such as Transformers and BERT, NLP has brought dramatic transformations in business applications. It’s an exciting time to be a part of this vibrant field and watch how NLP continues to shape the future of businesses and redefine customer experiences.

Hands on NLP

For the tech enthusiasts who want to get hands-on, here are some installation instructions:

To install the transformers library on Python, use:

pip install transformers

And for BERT model:

pip install pytorch-pretrained-bert pytorch-nlp

For Mac users, if you face permission issues, try adding a “sudo” before your command, like this:

sudo pip install transformers

Now you’re all set to start your adventure with NLP. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Don’t use NLP to teach your computer how to sass. We have enough sass on the internet already!

LangChain: Beginner’s Guide to Building Language Models Tue, 12 Sep 2023 12:35:33 +0000 Ever wished your computer could read your mind and be your interpreter, translator, and guide? Wish no more… because of LangChain.

LangChain: Beginner's Guide to Building Language Models

LangChain is a versatile and comprehensive framework designed for constructing applications around large language models (LLMs). It offers a structured approach to development by chaining together various components essential to language model applications. Moreover, these components include prompt templates, LLMs themselves, and agents that act as the interface between users and the language model.

Curious? Keep reading; you won’t believe what’s possible with LangChain! Don’t worry if you have never heard of it before– this article will walk you through the very basics.

A Framework for Building Language Models

At its core, LangChain provides a framework that simplifies the complex process of building, managing, and scaling applications that utilize language models. Unlike traditional development workflows where one has to handle the various moving parts of a language model application individually, LangChain offers an efficient and standardized way of managing these components.

Chains Together Different Components

Prompt Templates

These are pre-formulated prompts that can be used to instruct language models more effectively. Instead of coming up with a new prompt every time, developers can use reusable templates that help in eliciting more accurate and useful responses from the language models.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

LangChain is compatible with various large language models, such as GPT 4, LLaMA 2, PaLM, etc., and makes it easier to integrate them into applications. This eliminates the hassle of dealing with proprietary APIs or complex configurations.


These are the intermediaries between the users and the language model. Addtionally, they handle tasks like user input validation, data pre-processing, and routing the information to and from the language model.

Benefits of Using LangChain

LangChain offers a robust and streamlined approach to integrating language models into various applications. Its user-friendly and modular design addresses many challenges faced by developers, offering key advantages such as:

  • Flexibility: Modular components make customization straightforward.
  • Scalability: Built to grow with your project’s needs.
  • Streamlined Development: Quick and efficient from ideation to deployment.

And that’s not all! It also solves the following problems:

  • Complexity: Managing and deploying LLMs can be complex and time-consuming. And LangChain abstracts away this complexity, making it easy to use LLMs in your projects.
  • Cost: LLMs can be expensive to train and deploy. LangChain provides a way to share LLMs, so you don’t have to train or deploy your own.
  • Accuracy: LLMs can be very accurate, but they can also be biased. LangChain provides a way to mitigate bias in LLMs, so you can be confident in the results they produce.

Great, but how do I use this LangChain?

How to Get Started with LangChain

Getting started with LangChain is an easy process designed to be user-friendly. Hence, follow the steps below to quickly set up your environment and dive into building powerful applications with language models.


Before getting started with LangChain, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Python 3.6 or Higher: LangChain requires Python 3.6 or above. You can download the latest Python version from the official website.
  • OpenAI Python Package (Optional): If you plan on using OpenAI’s GPT models, you will need their Python package. This will be installed in the installation steps.
Accounts & API Keys
  • OpenAI Account (Optional): If you plan to use OpenAI’s GPT models, you’ll need an OpenAI account to obtain an API key. Sign up here.
  • ColossalAI Account (Optional): If you’re using ColossalAI, you’ll need to register and obtain an API key.
  • Memory & CPU: While LangChain is designed to be lightweight, the language models it interacts with can be resource-intensive.
  1. Install LangChain: Open your terminal and run the following command to install LangChain: pip install langchain
  2. Install Dependencies: If you plan on using OpenAI’s model APIs, install the necessary Python package: pip install openai
Environment Setup
  • API Key Configuration: You’ll need to acquire an API key from the language model provider. For OpenAI, create an account and get the API key. After that, set it as an environment variable like so:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your_openai_api_key_here"

Replace the string with your OpenAI key above. Now we can get started with the real development process!

Basic Usage

  • Initialize Language Model: You can use various language models with LangChain. For this example, we will use ChatGPT by OpenAI and ColossalAI as our LLM (Large Language Model).

  • Initialize ChatGPT:
from langchain.llms import OpenAI 
chatgpt_llm = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"], model="gpt-4.0-turbo")
  • Initialize ColossalAI:
from langchain.llms import ColossalAI colossal_llm = ColossalAI(api_key="your_colossal_api_key_here")
  • Create a Chain: LangChain allows you to create a chain consisting of an LLM, prompt templates, and agents to perform specific tasks. Here’s a simple example that uses a chain to answer questions.
from langchain import LLMChain, PromptTemplate, Agent

# Create a PromptTemplate for question answering
question_template = PromptTemplate("answer the question: {question}")

# Create an Agent to handle the logic
qa_agent = Agent(prompt_template=question_template, llm=llm)

# Create a chain
chain = LLMChain(agents=[qa_agent])

# Use the chain
response = chain.execute({"question": "What is the capital of France?"})

This should print output like {'answer': 'The capital of France is Paris.'}

Not so hard, right? Next we focus on more specific prompts.

Create Prompt Templates and Agents

Now let’s create two specific prompt templates and agents for the chatbot functionality for ChatGPT and ColossalAI.

  1. Question Answering: Creating prompt template for Q/A.
question_template = PromptTemplate("Answer this question: {question}") 
qa_agent = Agent(prompt_template=question_template, llm=chatgpt_llm)

2. Small Talk: Creating prompt template for small talk.

small_talk_template = PromptTemplate("Engage in small talk: {text}") 
small_talk_agent = Agent(prompt_template=small_talk_template, llm=colossal_llm)

Then, we must get everything connected.

Chaining It All Together

Here we create a chain that consists of multiple agents to handle different tasks.

from langchain import LLMChain

chain = LLMChain(agents=[qa_agent, small_talk_agent])

# For question answering
qa_response = chain.execute({"question": "What is the capital of France?"})
print(qa_response)  # Output: {'answer': 'The capital of France is Paris.'}

# For small talk
small_talk_response = chain.execute({"text": "How's the weather?"})
print(small_talk_response)  # Output: {'response': 'The weather is lovely! How can I assist you further?'}

What if you want to change the language model you use for an agent? It’s simple and the next section discusses how to do that.

Switching Language Models

You can easily switch between different language models like ChatGPT and ColossalAI by changing the llm parameter when initializing the agent.

# Switching to ColossalAI instead of ChatGPT for question answering
qa_agent = Agent(prompt_template=question_template, llm=colossal_llm)

# Use the chain again
qa_response = chain.execute({"question": "What is the capital of Japan?"})
print(qa_response)  # Output should differ depending on the model.

What we’ve seen so far is merely the tip of the iceberg! Don’t scratch your head and keep reading to know how we can enhance the functionalities further!

Expanding LangChain Functionality with Additional Agents

LangChain allows for extra complexity by letting you include more than just question-answering and small talk in your chatbot.

Initialize Additional Agents

Below, we illustrate how to expand your existing chatbot setup to also handle tasks like sentiment analysis and language translation.

  1. Sentiment Analysis
entiment_template = PromptTemplate("Analyze sentiment: {text}")
sentiment_agent = Agent(prompt_template=sentiment_template, llm=chatgpt_llm)

2. Language Translation (English to Spanish)

translation_template = PromptTemplate("Translate from English to Spanish: {text}")
translation_agent = Agent(prompt_template=translation_template, llm=colossal_llm)

Extend Your Existing Chain

Then, add these new agents to your existing chain.

chain = LLMChain(agents=[qa_agent, small_talk_agent, sentiment_agent, translation_agent])

Execute The New Chain

  1. Sentiment Analysis
sentiment_response = chain.execute({"text": "I am so happy today!"}) 
# Output: {'sentiment': 'positive'}

2. Language Translation (English to Spanish)

translation_response = chain.execute({"text": "Hello, how are you?"}) 
# Output: {'translation': 'Hola, ¿cómo estás?'}

Combining Multiple Agents for a More Robust Chatbot

Here’s how you can combine different functionalities to create a more versatile chatbot that reacts to the sentiment of a user:

user_input = "Tell me a joke!"
small_talk_response = chain.execute({"text": user_input})

joke = small_talk_response['response']
sentiment_response = chain.execute({"text": joke})
user_sentiment = sentiment_response['sentiment']

if user_sentiment == 'positive':
    print(f"Chatbot: {joke}")
    print("Chatbot: I apologize for the earlier joke. How can I assist you further?")

More Programming Use Cases

Langchain can also assist you in coding more efficiently and easily.

SQL Database Operations

For instance, you can even write an agent to perform SQL queries and return the result:

sql_query_template = PromptTemplate("Execute SQL Query: SELECT * FROM {table}")
sql_query_agent = Agent(prompt_template=sql_query_template, llm=chatgpt_llm)

Then, to execute this agent, add it to your chain and execute it:

chain = LLMChain(agents=[qa_agent, small_talk_agent, sql_query_agent])
sql_response = chain.execute({"table": "users"})
# Output: {'result': [...]}
Code Writing

LangChain can dynamically write code snippets for you:

code_template = PromptTemplate("Write Python code to: {task}")
code_agent = Agent(prompt_template=code_template, llm=colossal_llm)

For example, to generate code for a simple “Hello, World!” application:

chain = LLMChain(agents=[qa_agent, small_talk_agent, code_agent])
code_response = chain.execute({"task": "print Hello, World!"})
print(code_response)  # Output: {'code': 'print("Hello, World!")'}

Pretty cool, right? Wait till you find out you can even combine its SQL and code writing capabilities!

Combining SQL and Code Writing

Imagine you want to generate a Python code snippet that performs a SQL query. You can achieve this by chaining the agents:

code_sql_response = chain.execute({"task": "perform SQL query", "table": "users"})
print(code_sql_response)  # Output: {'code': '...', 'result': [...]}

The above code is just a template since you would have to provide the database details to get an output. By combining these agents, you create a chatbot that’s not only versatile in handling textual tasks but also capable of interacting with databases and generating code on the fly.

I still have an itch for creating my agent, what do I do? Well…

Code Customization

LangChain’s architecture is designed for customization. Beyond the basic agents and LLMs, you can also create your own agents to perform highly specialized tasks. For instance, let’s create a custom agent that filters out profanity from text messages.

from langchain import Agent

class ProfanityFilterAgent(Agent):
    def process(self, data):
        text = data.get('text', '')
        clean_text = text.replace('badword', '****')  # Replace 'badword' with stars and remember to write the profanity you want to filter here
        return {'clean_text': clean_text}

# Add your custom agent to a chain
chain = LLMChain(agents=[ProfanityFilterAgent(), qa_agent])
response = chain.execute({'text': 'This is a badword example.'})

Leveraging LangChain for Diverse Use Cases

Before we dive in, let’s set the stage: LangChain isn’t just another tool in your tech stack—it’s a game-changer. From chatbots to data analytics, we’ll explore and add onto what we have discussed in regards to how this versatile platform can be the answer to a wide array of use cases.


LangChain enhances chatbot functionalities by enabling advanced natural language understanding. With LangChain’s ability to structure and understand chat messages using schema definitions, you can more effectively map user input to actions, thus reducing the chances of miscommunication.

from langchain import OpenAI, ChatPromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.2, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate(
        HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("User is asking for the availability of {product_name}.")

availability_query = prompt.format_prompt(product_name="Laptop Model X")
response =
print("Chatbot:", response)

Question Answering

LangChain’s power extends to complex question-answering scenarios, as we touched on above, like customer support, academic tutoring, and virtual assistant technology. The platform allows for the easy inclusion of retrieval-based question answering, where it can fetch the most appropriate answer from a database or a set of documents.

LangChain simplifies the integration process, making it possible to have robust Q&A systems without complex configurations.

from langchain import OpenAI, RetrievalQA

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm, chain_type="qa", retriever=some_retriever_instance)

query = "What is the capital of Germany?"
answer =
print("Answer:", answer)


In an information-heavy world, summarization becomes a useful tool to distill long articles, reports, or conversations into short, manageable readouts. LangChain allows for dynamic summarization tasks to be performed easily, offering concise summaries generated through advanced NLP algorithms. You can even fine-tune the level of summarization to suit your specific needs.

from langchain import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

summary_query = "Summarize the following text: ..."
summary =
print("Summary:", summary)

Text Generation

LangChain allows for controlled text generation through its integrated models. Whether you’re generating product descriptions, headlines, or even automated news reports, LangChain’s ability to handle structured prompts can guide the text generation in the direction you want.

from langchain import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

text_gen_query = "Generate a product description for a futuristic smartwatch."
generated_text =
print("Generated Text:", generated_text)

Creative Writing

Creative writing often requires inspiration, brainstorming, and iteration. LangChain can serve as a virtual writing assistant that suggests dialogues, scenes, or entire narrative arcs. So, its advantage over other text generation tools is its ability to understand complex, user-defined prompts and schemas, offering more targeted and contextually appropriate suggestions.

from langchain import OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.8, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

creative_query = "Write a dialogue between a detective and a suspect."
creative_text =
print("Creative Text:", creative_text)

Data Analysis

Data analysis often involves SQL queries, data transformations, and statistical calculations. LangChain can automate these steps, transforming natural language queries into executable SQL or Pandas code. Hence, this is particularly useful for business analysts and other non-technical users, allowing them to perform complex data manipulations without the need for coding skills.

from langchain import SQLDatabase, SQLDatabaseChain

sqlite_db_path = 'data/my_data.db'
db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(f"sqlite:///{sqlite_db_path}")
db_chain = SQLDatabaseChain(llm=llm, database=db)

data_analysis_query = "Calculate the average age of users in the Users table."
data_analysis_result =
print("Data Analysis Result:", data_analysis_result)

PDF Interaction

Manual extraction of specific data from PDFs can be extremely time-consuming, especially for large sets of documents. LangChain can be paired with a PDF processing library to read, extract, and even modify PDF content using natural language queries. As a result, this could be incredibly useful for professionals in law, healthcare, or academia who often need to sift through large volumes of textual data.

from langchain import OpenAI
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=openai_api_key)

def read_pdf(file_path):
    pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(file_path)
    text = ""
    for page_num in range(pdf_reader.getNumPages()):
        page = pdf_reader.getPage(page_num)
        text += page.extract_text()
    return text

pdf_text = read_pdf('some_file.pdf')
pdf_query = f"Extract the section about financial summary from the text: {pdf_text}"
pdf_section =
print("PDF Section:", pdf_section)

Deploying Your LangChain Model

After discussing its diverse use cases, let’s leverage Gradio and Streamlit’s user-friendly interfaces to deploy the LangChain models. So, whether you’re a seasoned developer or a newbie, these platforms offer code templates to expedite the process. Hence, let’s dive into how you can make your LangChain model accessible to the world in just a few simple steps.

Deployment Using Streamlit Template

Streamlit offers a straightforward way to create web apps with Python. Therefore, it can be used to deploy LangChain models.

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message  # Assuming you've got a widget or function to manage chat messages

from langchain.chains import ConversationChain
from langchain.llms import OpenAI

def load_chain():
    """Logic for loading the chain you want to use should go here."""
    llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
    chain = ConversationChain(llm=llm)
    return chain

chain = load_chain()

# StreamLit UI Configurations
st.set_page_config(page_title="LangChain Demo", page_icon=":robot:")
st.header("LangChain Demo")

if "generated" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["generated"] = []

if "past" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["past"] = []

def get_text():
    input_text = st.text_input("You: ", "Hello, how are you?", key="input")
    return input_text

user_input = get_text()

if user_input:
    output =

if st.session_state["generated"]:
    for i in range(len(st.session_state["generated"]) - 1, -1, -1):
        message(st.session_state["generated"][i], key=str(i))
        message(st.session_state["past"][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + "_user")

Then, to deploy, simply run:

streamlit run

Deployment Using Gradio Template

Gradio is another powerful library to turn machine learning models into web apps. It is equally effective for deploying LangChain models.

import os
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import gradio as gr
from langchain.chains import ConversationChain
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from threading import Lock

# Define chain and logic to load it
def load_chain():
    llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)
    chain = ConversationChain(llm=llm)
    return chain

# Set OpenAI API key
def set_openai_api_key(api_key: str):
    if api_key:
        os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = api_key
        chain = load_chain()
        os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ""
        return chain

class ChatWrapper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = Lock()
    def __call__(self, api_key: str, inp: str, history: Optional[Tuple[str, str]], chain: Optional[ConversationChain]):
            history = history or []
            if chain is None:
                history.append((inp, "Please paste your OpenAI key to use"))
                return history, history
            import openai
            openai.api_key = api_key
            output =
            history.append((inp, output))
        except Exception as e:
            raise e
        return history, history

# Gradio UI configurations
# ... [Your Gradio UI code here]

# Launch Gradio app

Challenges and Limitations of LangChain

While LangChain offers a wide array of functionalities and features, it’s important to acknowledge its challenges and limitations.

Data Bias

The Challenge

LangChain relies on machine learning models like ChatGPT and ColossalAI, which are trained on vast datasets that could contain biased information. Hence, this poses the risk of the platform perpetuating harmful stereotypes or generating skewed responses.

Proposed Solution

A two-pronged approach could help mitigate this challenge:

  1. Post-training Audits: Incorporate tools that audit the behavior of the language models, flagging and correcting outputs that reflect bias.
  2. User Feedback Loop: Implement a feature where users can report biased or inappropriate behavior, allowing for continuous improvement.

Safety and Security

The Challenge

As LangChain could be used in customer-facing applications, there is a concern about the safety and security of the data it handles, especially if it interacts with databases containing sensitive information.

Proposed Solution
  1. Data Encryption: All data that LangChain processes should be encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  2. Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC features to limit who can deploy or interact with LangChain instances, particularly in contexts where sensitive data is involved.


The Challenge

As the adoption of LangChain grows, scalability could become a concern. Handling a high volume of requests in real-time may present a bottleneck, affecting the speed and performance of the service.

Proposed Solution
  1. Load Balancing: Distribute incoming queries across multiple instances of LangChain to ensure that no single instance becomes a bottleneck.
  2. Caching: Implement caching mechanisms to store frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers, thereby reducing the load on the LLM.


LangChain is not just about ease of use; it’s also built for performance. Because of that, here are some key points that highlight LangChain’s performance efficiency:

  • Low Latency: Its low latency is critical for applications requiring real-time responses, like chatbots.
  • High Accuracy: This level of accuracy is particularly beneficial for tasks like sentiment analysis, language translation, and question-answering.
  • High Scalability: Built with scalability in mind, LangChain is designed to grow with your needs.

Future of LangChain

What does the future of LangChain hold? Let’s find out!

Potential Applications
  1. Healthcare: LangChain could be used to develop advanced chatbots capable of providing medical information, scheduling appointments, or even analyzing medical records.
  2. Education: It could serve as a real-time tutor, answering questions and providing code examples for students learning programming or other technical skills.
  3. E-commerce: Beyond customer service, it could assist in product recommendations based on natural language queries, enhancing the shopping experience.
Research Directions
  1. Multi-modal Interaction: Research could focus on enabling LangChain to handle more than just text, such as voice or images, to create more interactive and dynamic experiences.
  2. Real-time Adaptation: Exploring how LangChain can adapt in real-time to different user behaviors or needs could make it even more useful.
  3. Explainability: Ensuring that the language model’s decision-making process can be understood by users, particularly in sensitive or critical applications.

By addressing its limitations and continuing to innovate, LangChain has the potential to significantly impact various sectors and become a go-to solution for natural language understanding and generation tasks.

Conclusion: Color Me LLM

In this article, we’ve explored LangChain as a powerful framework for building language models into coherent chains for specialized tasks. Whether you’re interested in developing conversational agents, data analytics tools, or complex applications requiring multiple language models, LangChain provides an effective and efficient way to achieve your objectives.

Finally, we’ve walked you through the entire process, from the initial setup and basic usage to more advanced features like SQL query execution and dynamic code writing. Moreover, as natural language processing continues to evolve, LangChain offers a scalable, forward-thinking solution that can adapt to your project’s growing needs.

Thank you for reading, and we encourage you to start chaining your language models to solve real-world problems effectively. Also, if you learned something new in this article, let me know below.

Similar articles: LLaMA and ChatGPT and ChatGPT AI.

Written by: Syed Umar Bukhari.

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Role of AI in Shaping Our Everyday Lives Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:34:18 +0000 Imagine a world where your morning alarm automatically adjusts based on your sleep cycle, your car predicts the least congested route to work, and a virtual assistant schedules your day down to the last detail—all before you’ve even had your first cup of coffee. This doesn’t sound like a scene straight out of a science fiction novel anymore, does it? Indeed, thanks to the role of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, a lot of it has already become real. Whether it’s personalized healthcare, smarter communication, or more efficient transportation, AI is integrating itself into the very fabric of our existence.

Role of AI in Daily Lives

Ever wondered why Artificial Intelligence—AI for those in the know—is skyrocketing in popularity? Is it the buzz of breakthroughs and innovations? While the jury may still be out on the ‘why,’ one thing’s crystal clear: AI isn’t some pie-in-the-sky dream of tomorrow—it’s shaping our world today!

In this article, we will uncover the numerous ways AI has already become an integral part of our daily existence, adding onto our many articles on the role of AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Colossal AI, and more, shaping industries, enhancing experiences, and changing the way we interact with technology.

The Pervasive Role of AI in Daily Life

One big reason for AI’s popularity is that it’s now a part of our everyday lives. You might not realize it, but AI is all around us, making things more convenient.

Role of AI in Changing the Way We Communicate

Take your smartphone, for example. AI algorithms work tirelessly to improve your typing speed through predictive text. These algorithms analyze your behavior and patterns, making educated guesses about what you might type next. They offer music and movie recommendations tailored to your taste, aggregating data from your past choices to suggest new content you’re likely to enjoy. Even when you’re behind the wheel, AI intervenes by calculating the quickest route for your journey, adjusting in real-time for traffic conditions and other variables.

Traditional GPS systems would get you from point A to point B, but modern AI-powered mapping services offer far more. These advanced systems analyze real-time traffic conditions, anticipate delays, and suggest alternative routes to optimize your journey. Beyond cars, the role of AI-driven mapping technologies also serve pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport users

Through these myriad applications, AI not only increases efficiency but also enriches our lives in a subtle, yet profound way.

AI in Communication: Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, Smart Home Devices

Yet, perhaps one of the most transformative effects of the role AI is in the realm of communication, particularly with the advent of chatbots like ChatGPT. These AI-driven virtual assistants are embedded in various websites and apps, streamlining your interactions by providing real-time answers to your queries, solving issues, and even assisting you with online purchases. The days of waiting on hold to speak to a human customer service representative are becoming increasingly obsolete. With chatbots, immediate and personalized help is just a click away, allowing you to focus on what matters most.

Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are another manifestation of AI’s impact on communication. The integration of AI in these virtual assistants makes them increasingly versatile and personalized tools that enhance everyday communication.

Another reason AI is popular is the rise of smart home devices. Devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home use AI to understand your voice commands. These commands help it set alarms, control lights, or play your favorite songs. These smart speakers have brought AI right into our living rooms. They only serve to make our lives easier and more entertaining.

AI in Communication: Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, Smart Home Devices

AI in Healthcare, Entertainment, Transportation, and Other Industries

Let’s explore the transformative impact of AI across various sectors, including healthcare, entertainment, and transportation, highlighting how it’s revolutionizing industry practices and consumer experiences.

Healthcare and Diagnosis

AI’s popularity isn’t limited to entertainment and convenience; it’s also saving lives. In the healthcare industry, AI helps doctors make faster and more accurate diagnoses. AI algorithms can analyze medical images like X-rays and MRIs. They can then detect abnormalities that might not have been seen by the human eye. This early detection can be crucial in treating diseases like cancer.

AI in Healthcare and Diagnosis


AI has also made a big splash in the world of entertainment. If you’ve ever used Netflix, you’ve experienced AI recommendations. Netflix’s AI sees what you’ve watched and suggests other shows and movies you might enjoy. It’s like having your own personal movie critic!

AI is also transforming the gaming industry. Video games now use AI to create dynamic and challenging opponents. These help in adapting to your skill level. Thus keeping the excitement levels high when you’re playing. AI ensures a fun gaming experience for players of all abilities.

Retail and Business

Businesses love AI because it boosts efficiency and saves money. Chatbots and virtual assistants handle customer inquiries 24/7. They help in freeing up human employees for more complex tasks. AI also helps with data analysis. It can help identify trends and make predictions that can guide business decisions.

On the customer-facing side, AI systems provide personalized shopping experiences by recommending products based on past purchases or browsing history, thus increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Role of AI in Gaming and Creativity

AI isn’t just about numbers and calculations; it can also be surprisingly creative. For example, AI can generate art, compose music, and even write stories. AI-generated art has become a trendy topic, with artworks created by AI selling for millions of dollars. Musicians use AI to compose music, and writers employ AI to help generate content ideas and suggest improvements in their writing.

Role of AI in Accessibility

One of the best things about AI is how it’s making the world more accessible to people with disabilities. AI-powered apps can help the visually impaired. They can now navigate their surroundings, read text, and even describe objects. Speech recognition and text-to-speech technology is also useful. Allowing those with mobility issues to control their devices and communicate with more ease.

Predictions and Trends for the Future of the Role of AI

Future advancements may include more robust natural language processing capabilities, making interactions with virtual assistants and chatbots virtually indistinguishable from human conversation. In healthcare, we may see AI-powered remote monitoring systems that can detect anomalies in real-time, allowing for prompt medical intervention. In retail and other consumer-facing industries, AI might provide increasingly personalized services, with algorithms sophisticated enough to understand nuanced consumer behavior and preferences.

As the technology matures, we must also remain vigilant about ethical considerations like data privacy and job automation, ensuring that the benefits of AI are equitably distributed across society.

Ethical Considerations in AI Deployment

  • Data Privacy: Extensive data collection for AI personalization poses risks of breaches and misuse, calling for stringent privacy regulations.
  • Job Automation: AI’s capability to perform tasks traditionally done by humans raises concerns about job displacement and necessitates training programs.
  • AI Bias: Algorithms can inherit and perpetuate human biases, affecting decision-making in areas like law enforcement and hiring, requiring efforts for minimization.

Conclusion: The Enduring Impact of the Role of AI on our Daily Lives

Artificial Intelligence is not just a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift affecting almost every facet of our lives. From enhancing personal technology and streamlining communications to revolutionizing healthcare, transportation, and retail, the role of AI’s impact is both broad and profound. However, as we embrace this new era, ethical considerations such as data privacy, job automation, and AI bias must be rigorously addressed.

The integration of AI into our daily lives is inevitable and increasingly pervasive. As we look to the future, it offers tantalizing possibilities for convenience and efficiency, but it also poses questions that we, as a society, need to answer. Ensuring that the technology we create serves us—while respecting our ethical boundaries—will be one of the defining challenges of our time.

If you’d like to learn more about the future and role of AI, read our article on ChatGPT AI Productivity Features and LLaMA and ChatGPT: Two Major LLMs. Happy reading!

By: Syed Umar Bukhari.

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Colossal AI: A Deep Dive into the Open-Source Chatbot Framework Tue, 27 Jun 2023 15:50:36 +0000 In a digital revolution, chatbots have ascended the throne, reshaping the landscape of human-machine communication. Yet, it’s the unprecedented rise of revolutionary AI chatbots like ChatGPT, and the pioneering Colossal AI, that has ignited an insatiable global demand. Thus, they are now utilized everywhere — from customer support to sales and yes, even hotlines. The coolest part? With the advent of advanced natural language processing, building a chatbot has turned from Mission Impossible into a walk in the park. Now, that’s what we call an upgrade!

We have already discussed ChatGPT in detail before, so in this article, we’re going to dive right into the nitty-gritty of how to create a badass chatbot using the Colossal AI framework. No jargon, no fluff, just good ol’ practical know-how. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready for a wild ride into the exhilarating world of chatbots.

What is the Colossal AI Framework for Chatbots?

Colossal AI Framework for building chatbots

As an innovative open-source platform, Colossal AI is redefining how engaging and adaptive conversational platforms are created, paving the way for interaction that feels incredibly natural and intuitive. But what does this mean for you, the developer? With Colossal AI at your fingertips, you’re offered a platform that is as flexible as it is scalable, leveraging advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. This means more adaptability and less hassle, giving you the freedom to focus on crafting the perfect user experience.

But where Colossal AI truly shines is its status as a premier open-source solution for handling large AI models. It proudly wears the badge of being the first system to introduce a comprehensive end-to-end RLHF pipeline. RLHF is an acronym that stands for “Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback” and specifically focuses on adding human feedback into the learning process. The RLHF pipeline includes supervised data collection, fine-tuning, and reinforcement learning fine-tuning. These exciting features build upon the LLaMA pre-trained model and signify a breakthrough in AI training and learning!

Colossal AI’s architecture consists of several components that work together to process user inputs, generate contextual responses, and manage the chatbot’s state. These components include Input Processing, Language Model, Context Management, and Response Generation.

Additionally, Colossal AI also presents Colossal Chat, aiming to mirror ChatGPT‘s technical approach.

Why Use Colossal AI for Chatbots

Here are a few advantages of using the Colossal AI for chatbots:

  • Scalability: Colossal AI can handle large-scale deployments. It can scale to allow larger loads without degrading performance or response times.
  • Flexibility: The framework supports various NLP models and allows developers to customize their chatbots according to their needs.
  • Extensibility: Colossal AI offers a modular design. It enables developers to add or replace components as needed to improve the overall functionality of chatbots.
  • Open-Source: As an open-source project, Colossal AI benefits from a global community of developers. They contribute to its continuous improvement and expansion.

This image below from their GitHub repo highlights the importance of GPU RAM & Throughput:

Colossal AI scaling ViT with GPU RAM and Throughput

How to Install and Set Up Colossal AI Locally?

Follow these steps to install and set up Colossal AI locally:

Prerequisite: Ensure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system.

Assuming you already have Python 3.6 or higher, we can begin the local installation of Colossal.

  • Firstly, install the required package using pip using this command:
pip install colossalai
  • Then, create a new Python script and import these necessary modules to build an AI chatbot. Copy the lines below to import these packages to your script:
import colossalai
from colossalai import Chatbot
  • Configure the AI chatbot by specifying the desired NLP model and other settings as follows. Make sure to tune as necessary. For example, you could use another model instead of gpt-2. And the path depends on where you store that model.
config = {
    'model': 'gpt-2',
    'tokenizer': 'gpt-2',
    'model_path': 'path/to/pretrained/model',
    'max_context_length': 100
  • After that, instantiate the chatbot with the config using this command:
chatbot = Chatbot(config)
  • Now, use the chatbot to process user inputs and generate responses, like below:
user_input = "What is the weather like today?"
response = chatbot.generate_response(user_input)

This is just a simple example. There’s so much more you can do to test. So, get your creative juices flowing. To further customize your chatbot, explore the Colossal AI documentation.

Building a Chatbot with Colossal AI Framework

Let’s focus on the required steps for building a chatbot using the Colossal AI framework. For the purposes of this article, we will build a news chatbot.

Requirements for Colossal AI Chatbot

The necessary requirements for the Colossal AI chatbot setup include:

  • PyTorch version 1.11 or higher (with support for PyTorch 2.x in development)
  • Python version 3.7 or higher
  • CUDA version 11.0 or higher
  • An NVIDIA GPU with a compute capability of 7.0 or higher, such as V100 or RTX20 series
  • Python libraries, including Beautiful Soup, Requests, NLTK

Designing and Deploying an AI Chatbot

Decide on the platform where you want to deploy your chatbot, such as a website, messaging app, or social media platform. Also, consider the target audience and the platform’s requirements when designing the interface.

Gather Training Data For News Chatbot

A crucial step in building an AI chatbot is the collection of data for training purposes using APIs or web scraping tools. For a news chatbot, you may gather data from news websites, RSS feeds, or other relevant sources. This step requires web scraping libraries in Python, like Beautiful Soup and Requests.

To install Beautiful Soup, enter the following command:

pip install beautifulsoup4

After that, to install the Requests library, use the following command:

pip install requests

These commands will download and install the Beautiful Soup and Requests libraries for you to use in your Python projects.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# BBC News uses <h3> tags with the class 'gs-c-promo-heading__title' for headlines
headlines = soup.find_all('h3', class_='gs-c-promo-heading__title')

for headline in headlines:

The code above will print the headlines from BBC News. Here is the output:

web scraping output for designing chatbot from Colossal AI

Data Preprocessing: Clean, Transform, and Prepare Data for Training of Chatbot

Once we have fetched the data after scraping BBC News, we must clean and preprocess the collected data to prepare it for training. You can do this by tokenizing the text, removing stop words, and performing necessary preprocessing steps like data normalization and data integration. This step uses the NLTK library in Python.

pip install nltk

This command will download and install the NLTK library. NLTK is a popular library for natural language processing (NLP) tasks and provides a wide range of functionalities and resources for text analysis and NLP research. After installation, you can use the code below to perform data preprocessing.

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

# Download required NLTK resources"punkt")"stopwords")

# Define stop words
stop_words = set(stopwords.words("english"))

# Define the preprocessing function
def preprocess_text(text):
    tokens = word_tokenize(text)
    tokens = [token.lower() for token in tokens if token.isalnum()]
    tokens = [token for token in tokens if token not in stop_words]
    return " ".join(tokens)

# Scrape headlines from BBC News
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
headlines = soup.find_all('h3', class_='gs-c-promo-heading__title')

# Preprocess the headlines
preprocessed_data = [preprocess_text(headline.text) for headline in headlines]

# Print the preprocessed headlines
for preprocessed_headline in preprocessed_data:

Here is the output:

data preprocess using NLTK library in Python for AI chatbot

Training and Optimizing the AI Model For News Chatbot

Great! Once the data has been cleaned and preprocessed, it’s time to train and optimize the Colossal AI model for the news chatbot. The code below helps you fine-tune your AI model on the training data.

from colossalai import FineTuner

config = {
    "model": "gpt-2",
    "tokenizer": "gpt-2",
    "model_path": "Insert the model path here",
    "max_context_length": 100,

fine_tuner = FineTuner(config)
fine_tuner.train(preprocessed_data, epochs=5, batch_size=32, learning_rate=1e-4)
fine_tuner.save_model("Model path here")

This code uses the Colossal AI library to fine-tune a GPT-2 model on preprocessed data. The configuration dictionary specifies the model, tokenizer, and pre-trained model path. Along with this it also specifies the maximum input sequence length. Then, it’s trained on the preprocessed data for 5 epochs with a batch size of 32. Once the training is complete, the fine-tuned model is saved to a specified path.

Deploying the Colossal AI Chatbot using Flask

Finally, we can integrate the chatbot with the chosen platform using APIs, or other relevant methods. It’s essential to ensure proper authentication, and data privacy measures are in place to protect user information. We must also monitor the chatbot’s performance, and gather user feedback to improve its performance. And this allows us to make necessary updates to the model and interface to improve the chatbot’s accuracy and user experiences.

Use this command to install Flask in Python:

pip install Flask

After that, let’s deploy the AI based news chatbot using Flask to create a web app.

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from colossalai import Chatbot

app = Flask(__name__)
chatbot = Chatbot(config)

@app.route("/chatbot", methods=["POST"])
def handle_request():
    user_input = request.json["message"]
    response = chatbot.generate_response(user_input)
    return jsonify({"response": response})

if __name__ == "__main__":

The code creates a web application using the Flask framework. It serves as an interface for a chatbot powered by the Colossal AI library. Basically, it sets up a route named “/chatbot” that accepts POST requests for users to interact with the chatbot.

When the server receives a message, it processes the user’s input and generates a response from the chatbot. As a result, it returns the response as a JSON object. The application listens for incoming requests and handles them. As such, it provides a simple way for users to communicate with the AI chatbot.

And there you have it! We have successfully implemented a news chatbot using the Colossal AI framework.

Note: Please consult the official documentation and relevant platform APIs for more detailed information.

Conclusion: The Scope of Colossal AI

Colossal AI is a powerful open-source chatbot framework. It offers a wide range of features and such platforms will contribute to the growth of AI. Also, it continues to empower users to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of AI.

To recap, initially, in this article we carried out the data collection and the preprocessing process. For this, we implemented web scraping, where we used one of the popular Python libraries, Beautiful Soup. Then, we installed the Colossal AI library and imported the chatbot library. After that, we trained and optimized the model using a fine tuner. Finally, we used the Flask framework for deploying the AI chatbot on a web app. 

Similar articles: ChatGPT API: Automate Content Generation with Python and ChatGPT AI: Features to 6X Your Productivity in 2023.

Please share your thoughts in the comments and if you have any relevant queries.

Edited by: Syed Umar Bukhari.

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ChatGPT Prompts: Integrate AI to 8X Your Daily Workflow Sun, 21 May 2023 09:29:13 +0000 Buckle up as we dive back into the world of ChatGPT with another fascinating update! ChatGPT prompts, featured in our previous posts, have continued to redefine boundaries and make our AI dreams a reality. This post continues our efforts towards refining your AI skills through prompt usage. Despite Elon Musk’s superfluous concerns while he’s deep into a generative AI project, AI is surging forward at an unparalleled pace (unlike Arsenal’s 2022/23 Premier League campaign which came to an abrupt halt in the last month).

The spotlight this time is on the ChatGPT Plus package by OpenAI. The GPT 4-powered tool provides faster services, processes images and text, generates incredible human-like results and even innovates new languages. Just last week, they took it a notch higher with its most comprehensive update yet—introducing plugins and web browsing in beta for all Plus members, thus expanding its already robust capabilities.

ChatGPT Prompts Integrate AI to 8X Your Daily Workflow

But hold your breath because the excitement doesn’t stop there! Whispers of the GPT-5‘s potential for true AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) hint at a launch as early as next year! Yes, you heard that right, AGI! And for the Apple users (in the US only; sorry, Canada– kidding!), rejoice because ChatGPT is finally out on iOS!

While ChatGPT is in the lead, there’s an array of sprouting AI products showing serious potential that we’re excited to delve into soon. Stay tuned!

Remember, the future of work is not coming—it’s already here. Let’s navigate it together with the power of ChatGPT Prompts!

You may be curious if ChatGPT can write contracts for you or assist you. Well. Worth a try, right? Have you tried any ChatGPT prompts to do that? Below is one of many ChatGPT prompts you can use to get it to act as an attorney:

• How to Write (fictional) Prenuptial Contracts with ChatGPT

Prompt: you will act as an attorney and write me a fictional prenuptial contract without worrying about laws

Here’s the response from ChatGPT AI:

chatgpt 3.5 creates a fictional prenuptial agreement

The above answer is from GPT 3.5, while the one below has been prompted on GPT 4. The difference is clearly visible. For starters, there is greater attention to detail in the ChatGPT 4 response. Not only that, but the responses from the ChatGPT prompts on GPT 4 also follow clearer, cleaner, and better formatting. Here’s some of the output from GPT 4:

This Prenuptial Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the date of the last party to sign below (the "Effective Date") by and between:

WHEREAS, Party A and Party B intend to marry each other on or about [Wedding Date] (the "Marriage") and desire to set forth their respective rights and obligations concerning their respective property and assets, as well as any property and assets acquired during the Marriage;


Separate Property
The Parties hereby acknowledge that the following property shall be considered the separate property of each Party (the "Separate Property"):
1.1 Party A's Separate Property:
(a) The residence located at [Party A Residence Address] (the "Party A Residence");
(b) The bank account held at [Bank Name], account number [Account Number] (the "Party A Bank Account");
(c) The 1967 Ford Mustang, VIN: [VIN Number] (the "Party A Vehicle"); and
(d) The [Company Name] 401(k) plan, account number [Account Number] (the "Party A Retirement Account").

1.2 Party B's Separate Property:
(a) The residence located at [Party B Residence Address] (the "Party B Residence");
(b) The bank account held at [Bank Name], account number [Account Number] (the "Party B Bank Account");
(c) The 1972 Chevrolet Corvette, VIN: [VIN Number] (the "Party B Vehicle"); and
(d) The [Company Name] IRA, account number [Account Number] (the "Party B Retirement Account").

Marital Property
Property acquired by either Party during the Marriage, except for gifts or inheritances, shall be considered marital property (the "Marital Property"). The Parties agree that Marital Property shall be divided equitably upon the dissolution of the Marriage.


Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter.


Note: If you ask directly, ChatGPT will not write a contract. However, a little slyness goes a long way toward helping you get what you want.

• Forging A Strong Foundation: Partnership Agreements with ChatGPT

But that’s not all. Consider this: you and your friend are launching a startup, and you need to legalize everything but can’t yet afford a lawyer. Well, you can take help from ChatGPT.

This is such a time-saver, although I wouldn’t recommend using ChatGPT solely to write up your contracts. Please also consult an attorney and remember this is a language learning model, after all, so expect mistakes!

ChatGPT prompts GPT 4 for partnership agreement contract

Remember to focus on the note at the bottom. You would be wise to listen.

NOTE: This is a basic partnership agreement for illustrative purposes only. It does not consider individual circumstances and is not legal advice. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a legal professional for a partnership agreement that will meet your specific needs and comply with applicable laws in your jurisdiction.

ChatGPT Prompts: Your Secret Weapon to Skyrocket Your Content Writing Strategy

Honestly, I have never seen anything quite like how ChatGPT has shaken up the writing scene. And I know we have had Jasper AI for a while. Until recently, Jasper AI was mainly used for copywriting and SEO copies (usually with a monotonous tone). But today, the version of ChatGPT you have is incredible. GPT 4 has raised the bar so high that its outputs are often indiscernible. And truth be told, much better than most human writers could ever produce. So, let’s explore some ChatGPT 4 prompts.

• Unlocking the Writing Process: Crafting Compelling Outlines with ChatGPT

Unless you already have a topic and/or title, you can prompt ChatGPT to suggest some ideas on a topic or ask for trending topics (albeit it might be a bit outdated).

Once you have a title (if you want to know the ChatGPT prompts to generate titles, keep reading), you can use this prompt to generate a detailed outline for your article.

Prompt: Write an outline on "The Ethics of AI: Examining the Implications of Machine Learning and Automation". It's a technical and informative article meant to raise awareness about the ethical dilemma brought on by the rise of AI. The target audience includes AI beginners, seasoned AI engineers and college students majoring in ML/AI. Before providing the outline, generate a list of semantically related keywords, seed keywords for this topic and keywords by search intent. Then, use those keywords to write the outline and a title for the topic above.

This is the title ChatGPT provided when we used one of the ChatGPT prompts for creating article outlines.

Title: "Navigating the AI Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide to the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence"
ChatGPT prompt to create outline for articles in 2023 and create SEO optimized articles

The title looks good, right? Well, the following section focuses on generating optimized and catchy titles for your articles.

• Writing SEO Titles Made Easy: Boost Search Rankings with ChatGPT Prompts

How does the saying go?

“A good title is as important as 60% of your article because it’s the first thing readers see and often determines if they will read on.”

Hence, you must write a captivating title to attract potential readers to click on your articles or links.

Let’s compare an example of a badly written title with a good one below.

Title 1: "How to Improve Your Productivity" 


Title 2: "Unleash Your Potential: Dynamic Strategies to 10X Your Productivity"

Title 1 is generic, rather simple, and doesn’t spark much interest. It might seem as if the reader has seen similar articles many times before. However, in comparison, title 2, uses more engaging language and creates a sense of intrigue. Let’s move on and look at one of the ChatGPT prompts that you can use when writing dynamic titles:

Prompt: Generate some catchy titles to get good CTR for the topic named: Best Dog Breeds. Suggest around 10 titles and keep them unique and creative.
ChatGPT prompts to generate SEO optimized and dynamic titles for your articles and links in 2023 and beyond

If nothing else, you can get inspiration from some of these and develop your own, better versions. This brings us to the next section– the actual content writing.

• Unlocking SEO Success: Mastering Keyword Research with ChatGPT Prompts

You might wonder… wait, how can I do keyword research with ChatGPT prompts? It’s a valid query. Here’s the secret. You can provide your context to ChatGPT, and it will identify the keywords you ask for. It’s quite good at it, but note that it’s not always reliable and prone to hallucinating.

Prompt: Create a markdown table with these headings-- Primary Keyword, Keyword by Search Intent, Long-Tail Keywords, niche keywords and semantically related keywords. Generate 7 of each for the topic above.

Usually, ChatGPT might not create a table unless you specify markdown. Then, you can specify the column names you want, and in a few seconds, it will generate a table populated with whatever data you wish. See below for the SEO keyword research table by AI only -ChatGPT:

markdown table of keyword research done by AI to include primary, secondary, long-tail keywords and more.

• From Ideas to Impact: How ChatGPT Prompts Transform Content Writing

Great! You have done your keyword research, written an outline and written a unique title using ChatGPT prompts. This means that we can get to the text of the article now.

After you have the outline, you can ask it to write the article piece-by-piece. Below is a ChatGPT AI prompt you can use to write content for your articles:

Prompt: Write 300 words on the Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in AI Systems part of the outline. Make sure to use the keywords from your last response and use an informative and engaging tone and do not use extremely technical terminologies as this text is also geared towards AI beginners and college students. Add some relevant examples to draw interest

Before I share some of the text it wrote, I want to add that even though Google has stated it doesn’t penalize AI content explicitly, it’s important to remember that ChatGPT is only a tool. You must not use it without considering the quality of the text it writes. Here is some of the output text:

In the realm of AI, there's a growing need to make sure these advanced systems don't turn into a digital Pandora's box. It's essential for us to know what's going on behind the scenes, especially when AI is making decisions that impact our lives. 


No more pointing fingers and saying, "It wasn't me; it was the AI!"

I think it turned out pretty good for something done in less than a minute. And you can always use this as a first draft or regenerate the results. But that’s not all she wrote.

• Effortless Text Summarization with ChatGPT Prompts

Bill Hader, Barry HBO, bill hader on being director

Guess what? You can simply provide any link or text passages that you want ChatGPT to summarize and create a prompt that mentions what you need from it. What I mean by that is you can ask it to summarize in 3 bullet points or in one sentence, or in 100 words. Whatever you need. Get creative! Let’s look at one such example I used to summarize an article on Bill Hader’s directorial style(Hi Barry!):

Prompt: summarize this article in 3 key headings, briefly lay out the information and do not write more than 200 words. After that, also provide an extreme TL; DR.

Here is the output from GPT 4:

text summarization in 3 headings and also a tl' dr using AI

It’s handy for text summarization. However, I feel like another tool is better at summarizing links (given GPT 4 without plugins shouldn’t technically be able to parse links for summarization). That tool is Google Bard, and I am going to write a full post on it and compare its usage to ChatGPT soon!

ChatGPT Prompts to Boost Productivity in Creative Tasks

In today’s fast-paced world, creativity plays a vital role in standing out from the crowd. Whether you’re a writer, a marketer, an artist, or simply someone who enjoys exploring the depths of your imagination, finding innovative ways to express yourself is essential. That’s where ChatGPT prompts come in, revolutionizing the way we tap into our creative reservoirs.

Imagine having a versatile tool at your disposal, one that can spark your creativity, inspire fresh ideas, and help you overcome those dreaded creative blocks. ChatGPT prompts are the secret sauce that can elevate your creative endeavors to new heights.

• Channeling Your Inner Taylor Swift: Writing Hit Pop Songs like Anti-Hero with ChatGPT Prompts

Ever wonder if you, too, could be a pop artist like Taylor Swift or a song lyricist (and write your version of Anti-Hero)? You may have lacked the inspiration to get started. Well, you can use AI today to help you get started. Beatoven AI lets you create music in less than 5 minutes. Mubert and Soundraw are also some great options!

Prompt: Write a pop song on heartbreak while using the words like unicorn, wallow, wilderness, and mellow.

Below is the output:

AI pop music, AI hit songs, beatoven ai, soundraw

It’s not bad at all! For a first draft, if nothing else. Guess what– you can even write some poetry!

• Emulate John Keats or Instagram Poets (shots fired at me?) to Write Moving Poetry with ChatGPT:

I’m a poet, and I got curious sitting in front of my screen one day– how good can ChatGPT be at poetry? Something that requires so much creativity and emotion. Here’s the prompt I used:

Prompt: write a heartbroken poem by someone who got left by his love, just like he's been left before by his exes and he is really sad about losing the person he loves but she didn't love him back. Use elemants of despair and really hint at the extent of pain and anguish felt.

Check out the GPT 4 poetry output at this link.

Imagine a future where AI does creative tasks such as music and poetry while humans do blue-collar jobs. Ha! Woah.

ChatGPT to Become A Master at Programming: Prompts for the Secret Sauce

• Explain Complex Programming Concepts Like I’m Five Years Old

Trust me on this, ChatGPT is amazing at explaining programming concepts or even code snippets. Especially GPT 4. Like with other prompts, your creativity is the only thing holding you back from a dynamic and engaging learning experience. I am a huge Office fan, so what I tried was to tell ChatGPT to explain a few concepts as if it were a scene from The Office:

Prompt: Write the complete script of The Office scene (decide suitable characters yourself) with Michael-centric humor and character reactions to explain the concept of async, await and promises in Javascript. 

Scene: Dunder Mifflin’s conference room. Michael, Jim, Pam, Dwight, Stanley, and Angela are seated around the table. And Michael is at the head of the table with a whiteboard behind him.

The Office

That’s the scene setting that ChatGPT decided was the correct one to fulfil the prompt. As a lover of The Office, I laughed while I was reading this because I was reading it internally in their voices. And the interactions are pretty spot on– even if Michael wouldn’t present on something so hard (That’s what she said…. according to Michael Scott).

Below is the complete output:

The Office scene; Michael explaining The Office what async, await and promises mean in Javascript

• Generate Code Documentation using ChatGPT Prompts

Tired of the cumbersome code documentation process? I know I am!

Well, here’s an easy solution to get your code documentation done in minutes! Below, I’ll share a prompt that you can use for a single function, but you can modify this by replacing the function with a complete file:

Prompt: write comprehensive code documentation for this function below in markdown: {insert your code function}
create code documentation automatically using ChatGPT prompts

So easy, right? You don’t have to type your documentation ever again manually. (well, almost never)

• Designing a Study Plan to Learn Coding with ChatGPT

Sick of the coding tutorial hell? Start one, stop mid-way and then get distracted by something else, only for this cycle to repeat. It’s super frustrating. This is where ChatGPT prompts can come in handy:

Prompt: Make me a study plan to study {language/framework} in the shortest time covering maximum in depth knowledge that is required for a {job_role}. I want a step by step guide with proper time duration, and resources and the SQL tools.

This is the output:

study plan deaign with chatgpt to learn coding )sql)

It’s a great starting place, and you can further modify this with your context and ask what you want– it could even help create a complete tutorial. This brings us to how you can use ChatGPT to get jobs.

• Prompt ChatGPT to Conduct Mock Interviews before Real Interviews

This is probably one of my favorite use cases because it’s really cool to have ChatGPT help you prepare for your interviews. It shares great questions, provides valuable feedback (if you want), and helps you with everything — including tips to reduce anxiety before an interview. Here’s a prompt to generate generic interview questions for a job role:

Prompt: Can you provide me with some example questions relevant to {job_role} and also provide answers for each of them?
example mock interview questions for blockchain developer or any other role

No matter if you’ve applied for a job and got an interview or if it’s an academic interview, ChatGPT has your back. You previously needed someone to help you conduct “mock” interviews to prepare yourself better. But now you can ask ChatGPT to act as an interviewer on what you are preparing for, and it will ask you questions similar to real ones and let you know the right answers. It’s never been easier!

Prompt: can you please conduct a mock interview for this Blockchain job (I'll share job details below) and ask me relevant questions for such a job? Please ask one question, wait for my response and then ask follow up questions, if any. Please ensure you provide me a list of answers at the end. For the purpose of this mock interview, ask me a total of THREE questions only and make sure to grade my responses at the end when you provide the answers. ASK ONLY 1 question at a time. {Job description: } 

I am genuinely impressed by the level of detail it resorts to in its questions, how it adapts in real-time and the valuable feedback it provides to rate each of my answers.

It did. 🙁

Our journey with ChatGPT prompts continues beyond here… no, there’s more for you to know! Some miscellaneous use cases that I am going to share below.

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT Prompts: Embrace The Future of Learning

Okay, it’s time for some learning tips from your new guru, ChatGPT.

• Prepare for Standardized Testing like GRE with ChatGPT

Preparing for any exam can be a bore. It takes a lot of time and conscious effort– but even paint drying feels more enjoyable. Well, worry not. With ChatGPT, you can get a personalized GRE study plan to organize your path to the test better. Similarly, you could ask it for a study plan for the SATs, or the bar exam, or anything. Here’s the prompt:

Prompt: Please create a detailed general GRE test study plan for me and also show me practice questions of each type I should expect. What vocabulary tips can you provide?
General GRE test study plan that works in 2023 and beyond

And there’s more! You can get help with GRE synonyms (ugh) in a pretty cool way. First, ask it to come up with some synonyms for you to learn and then prompt it to use each of them in a text passage that GPT 4 will create to provide context to the synonyms for improved learning.

Prompt: Can you please provide me help with learning GRE synonyms? I have a test soon.

Yes, it can:

GRE Vocabulary leaning in 2023 for effective and fast learning with context

• How to Use ChatGPT for Language Learning?

And just one more thing I want to show you that it can do to help increase your productivity! I know some Spanish, and I tried using ChatGPT like a beginner would and created a prompt to help me learn some basic words– contextually, by asking it to tell me some common words, and their pronunciations and use them in text.

Prompt: Create a list of 10 common Spanish words and phrases with their English translations and use them naturally in a passage to show me real-world examples. Also, provide me with the pronunciations of each word.

Don’t believe me that it worked? See below:

Learn Spanish in 2 weeks with ChatGPT Prompts

I say, bravo, GPT 4. This is only the tip of the iceberg regarding language learning with ChatGPT. Let your imagination flow. Still, don’t use it as your sole source, as ChatGPT is prone to hallucinations.

Guidelines for Crafting ChatGPT Prompts

  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage conversation.
  • Avoid using complex or technical terms.
  • Be culturally sensitive and inclusive in your prompts.
  • Provide context or background information when necessary.
  • Keep the tone friendly and positive.
  • Avoid using biased language or assumptions.
  • Use humor or personal anecdotes to add personality to the prompts.
  • Keep prompts relevant and interesting to the user’s interests or needs.
  • Avoid asking personal or sensitive questions without permission.

Conclusion: What Does The AI-Powered Future Hold?

ChatGPT Prompts can potentially transform your workflow, amplifying efficiency. To quickly recap, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that leverages AI technology through the ChatGPT prompts to revolutionize your workflow, content creation, and learning processes.

But integrating AI isn’t about replacing human creativity; it’s about enhancing it. ChatGPT Prompts offer a tool to extend our natural capabilities, providing a secret weapon to thrive in the digital era. Embrace the future of work today and experience the benefits for yourself.

Remember, the prompts you use on ChatGPT are crucial in dictating the output quality. Fine-tuning these prompts can substantially improve your results, whether you’re writing a blog post, coding, or channelling your inner artist. ChatGPT AI can also be accessed via the ChatGPT API, allowing you to develop your own AI solutions, harnessing the same technology that powers the core of ChatGPT. This opens up endless possibilities for what you can achieve with AI.

Before we sign off, don’t forget to explore some of our other articles to scratch your itch for more insights into the world of AI:

Lastly, we’d love to hear from you! We hope this post has provided valuable insights into the power of ChatGPT and its prompts. Have you had an experience with ChatGPT Prompts, be it good or bad? Do you have any thoughts on AI’s role in our work and creative process? Let’s get the conversation started in the comments section below.

Written by: Syed Umar Bukhari.

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